Old memories

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"Remember that day when you dropped your ice cream on my shoes and you cried for half an hour because you felt bad"

"Hey, don't remind me,I might just cry again." Jaemin watched amused as Jeno and Suri watched their old photos on Jeno's phone that he never dared to even delete on of them. 

"Oh that day when we went to the cinema. I don't even remember what the movie was about." Suri laughed as she looked at the photos. 

"We never watched the movie that day." Jeno mumbled, wishing that no one heard him. 

"Oh? What did you do then?" The smirk on Jaemin's face caused Jeno to groan, and Suri to notice the hell Jeno got them into. "Two teens, in the cinema, a really dark place, and you probably sat in the very back, and you don't remember the movie, because you didn't watch. Hehehe, What did you do NoJam? Huh? What did you do Riannie." 

Suri glared at Jeno, confirming his thoughts that the girl was surely going to kill him. "We did nothing, Jaemin." Before Jaemin could tease them more, the door opened revealing Hyunjin. 

"Jinnie, come here and listen to this. our Jeno and Suri went to the cinema on their own and they didn't watch the movie, what do you think they did?" Suri facepalmed herself as she watched Jaemin give them a cocky smile. Jeno's eyes turned to look at Hyunjin who's face fell down. Jeno kept looking at him confused, forgetting for a moment what Jaemin was doing and only focused on Hyunjin, who didn't look as happy as Jaemin or he didn't look like he wanted to tease them as much as Jaemin did, but he looked annoyed, maybe angry, he looked like he didn't want to hear whatever was going to be said. 

"EunTae is waiting for us to leave, get ready." Hyunjin left the room as fast as he just entered it, causing the other two boys to look at him then at each other confused. 

"What was that?" Jaemin couldn't help, but ask Suri, who noticed Jeno staring at her too. 

"Nothing, he's just being a nice friend. I'm going after him, bye bye." Suri quickly got up to follow Hyunjin, grabbing her bag, leaving the other two boys confused. 

"Do you think that they're dating?" Jeno couldn't help but ask, knowing pretty well that Jaemin wasn't going to help him at all. 

"If they were dating, they would've told us." Jaemin shrugged, still looking at the door. 

"Are you kidding me? Who tells their Ex's that they're dating someone new." Jeno got up aggressively, throwing his phone on the couch. "Its clear that they're dating. Didn't you see how she looked like when we first saw them? She was clinging into him as if her life depended on it, Jaemin." 

"Why do you care? You two broke up, she can date if she wants to date, specially if its one of her members." Jeno scoffed, not answering Jaemin as he left the room too, not really sure where he was going." 


"Hey, Why did you leave this quick?" Suri ran, so she can reach Hyunjin, who almost entered the elevator without her. 

"I don't want EunTae to wait." Hyunjin said coldly, and Suri only nodded, looking anywhere but him. They waited awkwardly for the elevator to stop so they won't have to be alone. Suri didn't understand how the situation changed like this. 

"By the way, nothing happened between me and Jeno that day. We only made out." Hyunjin didn't say anything for a few seconds and she started to get nervous. 

"I don't care, Suri. Those stuff are normal between people who date." Hyunjin said after awhile and they both sighed as the elevator opened. Hyunjin walked quickly, but Suri walked as quick as him so she could reach him. He decided to walk slower, knowing that they still had to for nearly 3 minutes until they reach the car. 

"To be honest, nothing ever happened between me and Jeno like that." Hyunjin stopped for a second, looking at Suri who looked at him confusedly. "What?" 

"What do you mean nothing ever happened between you and Jeno?" Suri blushed. 

"We never went this far- Dude you're making this awkward for me." Suri whined, this time she was the one he kept walking leaving Hyunjin behind, but he skipped so he was know walking beside her. 

"You and Jeno never ha-" 


"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just surprised, you and him dated for a long time." 

"You want to tell me you and MyunHee did that?" Now it was Hyunjin's turn to blush, and his face answered Suri's question. 

"Well- I mean- yeah." Hyunjin whispered the last part, and was too busy to even notice the frown on Suri's face. The girl sighed as she saw EunTae waiting for them inside the car already. 

"Oh cool." She said, not wanting Hyunjin to question why she stayed silent. The guy watched her enter the car quickly, sitting in the passenger seat, next to EunTae who smiled at the two.

"Hey, kids. What were you talking about, it seemed serious." The two couldn't help but blush, but EunTae was busy starting the car to notice them, luckily. 

"Oh nothing, just bananas." 

9th member; of Stray KidsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora