Visit; P2

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"Where have you been going the past few days?"


"Hwang Hyunjin, are you hiding something?" Seungmin chuckled as he watched Hyunjin panic, trying his best to come up with an excuse. Seungmin laughed as he watched his friend struggle. "I mean you said that you stay at the company, but last time I went there you weren't anywhere to be found and when I called you said that you were staying with your parents, so when I went there you weren't there too."

"You went to my house?"

"So you weren't there?" Hyunjin groaned as he watched Seungmin laugh loudly, knowing that he can't come up with anything now. "What are you hiding?"

"I'm a serial killer-"

"Are you meeting up with Su?" Hyunjin stopped whatever he was doing and looked at Seungmin who had a big smirk on his face.

"She's in Chica-"

"Never knew that Woojin's house is in Chicago."

"How do you know all of this?" Seungmin shrugged as he grabbed his phone to look at the time.

"I called her once, she wasn't answering so I called her mother and she told me that Suri wasn't in Chicago and she was staying with Woojin and she thought that we knew, but we didn't. Su knows that I know too by the way. Before you ask, I'm not mad at her. I understand why she didn't tell me, I also know that JYP told you. That man is weird. Oh I know that Chan knows too, kinda saw the text messages between him and Woojin. You can say that I know everything so far."

Hyunjin stared at his friend dumbfounded, not really sure how he managed to know all of this on his own. "Wait, does Chan know that you know all of this?"

Seungmin shook his head as he got up from his bed, changing his sweatshirt and grabbing some of his stuff. "Not really, no one knows. Except you, Suri only thinks that I know that she's staying with Woo. Anyways I'm going to visit them now, wanna come?"


"If another member finds out, I'm going to seriously go back to Chicago." Suri ate the ice cream Seungmin got her, as he patted her leg that was on his lap.

"Don't worry, Su. No one is as clever as me. I mean who do you expect to figure all of this out on their own."

"Maybe Lix, or Binnie. No Binnie is way too lazy to even think. How's Minho though?" Seungmin stopped eating his ice cream, remembering his conversation with Minho, but cleared his throat quickly, looking at Suri who was busy with her icecream to care

"Aren't you guys talking?"

"No, I'm actually talking to everyone except him. He's not answering my texts for some unknown reason so I stopped texting him. Is he okay?" Seungmin sighed as he nodded at Suri trying his best not to tell her anything about what happened, wanting to leave all the shit to Minho.

"He's fine. Always practicing and stuff."

"Make sure that he's not overworking himself, take care of everyone for me." Seungmin nodded as he gave the girl a small smile. He was mad at Minho, he was mad at him that even after everything Suri was still worried about him. He was mad at him for doing everything he did. He was really hoping that Minho will be able to fix everything.

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