Chapter Six: Down with the Clique

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"Now I don't mind when my homies on the chit chat,

but when it's time to...ain't no get backs,

see I am what I am when I jam so as the beat slams I'll make U say (Gotdamn)...

Now if you not down with my clique,

you can just doo-doo on a stick and if you down with Liyah I'm glad you feel the same..

Boy it feels good to know you're in my good thang."

-Down with the Clique (Aaliyah)


"Ha!" Guno slams down his cards in triumph as he revealed the winning pair. The men around him groan and release their defeated cards in shame and unhappiness; I lay mine down as well.

I wasn't a bitch about losing, I just made sure I finished them off in the final and most important round.

Then I win it all.

I smirked slightly as I watched the greedy fat pig collect all the coins around him as if anyone would take them away from him.

Nikita nudged me and I slightly turned to look at him. "You're smiling boss, you know something we don't?" He mockingly asked me.

I scoffed, "Don't I always?" I answered as I lit my Cuban cigar.

Tonight the classy strip/night club that I owned: Golden Touch was the place to be. There were people everywhere, women as well, some naked others in dresses close enough to it. Drinks were flowing, cigars were being lit, and games were being played.

Including this one.

See, Guno a soon to be former business partner of mine has been fucking around behind my back with the Chinese gang to get my drug shipments stolen from right under my nose. But I knew my fair share of whistleblowers with the right amount of persuasion that could direct me to the fucker who thought it was a good idea to betray the great Alexei Dominik Vasiliev—the fucking Pakhan of the Vasiliev Bratva.

This idiot was going to get the surprise of his life tonight when I fucking destroy his soul and will to live; he better enjoy the coins that he was currently gathering against the round of his giant stomach because it would be his last.

"I tell you, boys, you can't beat me in a fine game of poker! Who wants to go another round? Huh? Challenge Guno the Great?" He teased mockingly.

One of my men muttered a curse to him in our native Russian tongue and I told him to silence himself, patience was key when you had to trip someone up on their own wrong-doing.

I picked the nearly empty glass of Brandy that I had been indulging in as this entire game had been going on and now I was craving a refill; I snapped over one of the waitresses.

She quickly scurried over, her big breasts bouncing over with her as she quickly made her way to me. She stopped just shy of where my men were sitting and some of them began drooling over her like hungry animals that haven't been fed in days. She wore a low-cut top and shorts to match and her hair fell in long dark strands that swung to her back. Her eyes were the same dark pools of sexual mystery that drove men insane.

Bella, that was her name.

I remember having her in this same restaurant in one of my private rooms when I needed a lay for the night, she was more than willing to spread her legs for me in my time of need.

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