Chapter Twenty-Eight: I Thought About Killing You

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"The most beautiful thoughts are always besides the darkest
Today I seriously thought about killing you
I contemplated, premeditated murder
And I think about killing myself, and I love myself way more than I love you, so...
Today I thought about killing you, premeditated murder
You'd only care enough to kill somebody you love
The most beautiful thoughts are always inside the darkest

I called up my loved ones, I called up my cousins
I called up the Muslims, said I'm 'bout to go dumb
Get so bright it's no sun, get so loud I hear none
Screamed so loud got no lungs, hurt so bad I go numb."

-Kanye West (I Thought About Killing You)


The sound of my gun clunking against the back of Fredon's head left a satisfying feeling in my heart. I watched as his body slunk to the floor with ease, I had my goon quickly tie him up and shove him into the back of the SUV trunk. "Go grab his accomplice Kirill," I ordered him as my eyes stayed focused on Mitya who was casually putting his money into a vending machine. It wasn't hard to find these cocksuckers, I knew most of the men would be hanging around this dinner spot around this time in the morning after completing a job, just my luck both Fredon and Mitya were done with their daily duties.

Kirill slowly crept up behind Mitya and smashed his head into the vending machine, completely catching him off guard. He was still conscious as Kirill brought him over to me. His eyes were wide, his breathing haggard, and his head bleeding from the impact between his head and the glass.

"Andrei!" He called out to me.

I crouched down to his level, Kirill was dragging him by the collar like a dog. "Andrei, what the fuck?!" He seemed shocked that I was allowing Kirill to do this to him.

My lips tilted into a slight smirk, "You made a big mistake working with Fredon, Mitya." That was all I said before I knocked him out with a straight punch to the face. Kirill looked down at the unconscious Mitya with disgust, "Nothing I hate more than a traitor." He stated.

I rolled my eyes, "Maybe exercising." I stated as I helped him carry his body into the back of the car. Once we had the men both secured and tied up, I drove back to the house finally feeling calmer that we had gotten to the bottom of the mess. Although, in the back of my head the warning that the source had informed me of made me think that this was just a small triumph in the grand scheme of things. I didn't like the idea of leaving things unfinished, but that was the best I could do with the little information I had.

We got to the house fairly quickly. I had Kirill keep our lovely guests' company while I walked in with the evidence of the true perpetrators in my hands. When I walked in, I could tell something was quite off about the atmosphere. Some of the men that usually frequented the house were sitting and hanging around solemnly.

"Gentlemen," I called their attention to them.

A few of them nodded to me, others replied with enthusiasm that rivaled a sleeping child just short of waking up.

I didn't bother sticking around, whatever was going on down here had some weird energy. I continued on my path towards Alexei's office. I could hear people talking in there, I didn't really care what Alexei was doing or who was talking to, we had bigger business to focus on. Upon walking into the office, I realized it was Nikita and Alexei were chatting amongst each other. Nikita didn't look quite happy, I would argue he looked frustrated and tired. Once he saw me his eyes instantly widened in shock before throwing a glance over to Alexei.

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