Chapter Fifty-Five: Papa Don't Preach

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"Papa I know you're going to be upset

'Cause I was always your little girl
But you should know by now
I'm not a baby

You always taught me right from wrong
I need your help, daddy please be strong
I may be young at heart
But I know what I'm saying

The one you warned me all about
The one you said I could do without
We're in an awful mess, and I don't mean maybe - please

Papa don't preach, I'm in trouble deep
Papa don't preach, I've been losing sleep
But I made up my mind, I'm keeping my baby, oh
I'm gonna keep my baby."

-Madonna (Papa Don't Preach)


"Milena Vasiliev, located." Once the words left Kae's lips I felt an intense wave of relief wash over me. The entire planning room during that rescue mission was on edge and I could understand why each single camera screen planted on the girls as they left was loaded with them firing back at the terrorist organization. I wonder how the director could observe the entire mission with focused and calm guys, chiming in here and there to let the girls know when a sniper had arrived or when it was clear for them to go through.

I wasn't even in control of any of this and I could feel myself sweating bullets. I couldn't imagine actually being on the frontlines. But there Kae was, composed as every barking orders like the leader she had become. She had even stopped mid-battle to tend to one of her fellow teammates bullet injury. I don't know many people who could have done that with such calmness. Even seeing Kilee when she denoted that entire building and launched an entire missile at it was something you could only imagine seeing in an action-packed movie.

It was unreal.

Now they had returned, I couldn't wait to see Milena again. Knowing that she was okay and well definitely took a lot off of my conscious and I had Kae to thank for that. She aided us despite the evil my brother had done to her. Outside of the base, everyone awaited the approaching trucks passing through the gates and into the front of the planning tent. A member of the organization jumped out of the vehicle and pulled the door open; slowly pairs of hostages came out looking wide-eyed and confused at where they had been dropped off. The director walked over to them, probably to let them know that their families were waiting on their arrival.

I looked around for Milena and soon found her coming out of one of the last trucks, I rushed over to her quickly as her head and eyes locked onto my direction.

"Andrei!" She called out in relief.

I quickly rushed over to her pulling her body to mine. She wrapped her hands around my body tightly holding me as she slightly sobbed. "Andrei...." She cried. I shushed her swaying our bodies as I placed a light kiss at the top of her head, "Are you okay?" I asked her.

She pulled away from me momentarily and nodded, wiping the tears that have escaped from her eyes. "I thought they were going to kill us.... they killed Maria and..." She held back sobs that were beginning to bubble up from her throat.

I went back and hugged her tighter, "I'm sorry I let this happen to you." I whispered to her.

She sniffled, "It isn't your fault, Andrei..." She wiped her eyes. "I'm so tired, Andrei." She said to me. I looked over to her and nodded, she seemed pretty pale and fatigued as if she had neglected to sleep for a couple of days. I brushed her unruly hair from her face and sighed deeply. If I could take away all her pain, I would, but I could rest easy knowing that the terrorist and his accomplices were taken care of.

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