Chapter Seventy: Electric Feel

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"All along the western front

People line up to receive
She got the power in her hand
To shock you like you won't believe
Saw her in the amazon
With the voltage running through her skin
Standing there with nothing on
She gonna teach me how to swim

I said ooh girl
Shock me like an electric eel
Baby girl
You turn me on with your electric feel
I said ooh girl
Shock me like an electric eel
Baby girl
Turn me on with your electric feel."

-MGMT (Electric Feel)



I loved roller-skating. It was the only time I felt free, like I didn't have to take anything to experience life on an extreme high. Spinny's Roller Rink was a place I frequented almost daily, making my way onto the floor, I smiled basked in all the glowing lights and intense music. I loved singing all the goodies, they played the best music here and the food was pretty good too! I glided, spun, twirled and shook my hips to all the tunes and with no shame, no one could take away my happiness here... it was the best thing ever.

            That and Omid.

            Just the thought of him brought butterflies to my stomach. He was the first man that ever made me feel anything emotionally and intellectually. But right now, I was mad at him, he left for Iran a few weeks ago and said he would be back soon, I never knew when soon would be and I missed him. Everytime he leaves we get into a big fight, I always do something dumb like taking drugs again out of spite; I never have to do any of it when he's around... but when he leaves, I feel so alone.

            Like I have no choice.

            But he made me promise that I would be good, got me enrolled in classes where they helped worked out on people with addictions. I made a few friends there, it was hard listening to their stories and how it ruined their lives... but I was different. As long as Omid was here, I could be different.

            He just had to stop leaving so much, doesn't he know how much I miss him?

            When we make love, it goes beyond the physical plane... I could feel myself transecending with him, going out of this world, someplace where it's just him and I. That's the highest I've ever been in my life, with him... nothing could replicate that feeling he gave me.

            We were in love with each other, when he looks at me I just tingle.

            I continued dancing, spinning around as I jived with music blasting through the speakers of the rink. Around me, people moved to get out of my way because of how enthusatic I was, but I seen a couple of familiar faces, they knew what the deal was. I had a lot more free time on my hands now, Omid didn't want me working at Eddie Silk's place anymore, he thought maybe I should start school again but I wasn't quite sure I was ready to do something like that.

Despite that, he was such a generous man, helping my mom and I around the house by sending money that helped with a lot of things including carrying for my baby boy Tariq. He was getting so big these days, my mom was letting me around him more when she noticed I got off the drugs, he was so cute and a smart boy.

            It was sad that my mom was very reluctant to Omid's help. She didn't trust him, or maybe she didn't like him all together, she said she didn't want a foreign man doing all these nice stuff and then up and kidnapping me. She didn't understand Omid, he was a good man... the nicest man I've ever met in my life, he wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

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