Welcome Home

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You step off the plane and take a deep inhale causing the scent of cherry blossoms to fill your nose. 'It's good to finally be back home,' you think to yourself.  The wind blows your (h/l) (h/c) into your face and you move it away with your right hand.  You then adjust the left lapel of your black trench coat to make sure that your coat stays on.

You make your way into the Musutafu International airport terminal and make your way to the baggage claim.  After spending 30 minutes looking for your two bags, you find them and pick them up off of the conveyor belt using your right hand.  You sit them down on the ground for a couple of seconds so that you can put the strap of your duffel bag over your right shoulder.  You then pick your suitcase up and leave the building.

You consider taking a taxi to your sister-in-law's apartment, but decide that you would rather walk and see what all has changed in the city since the last time you were here 10 years ago.  The last time you were in Musutafu was when your four year old nephew, Izuku, was getting tested to find out if he had a quirk or not.


Inko had just called you and told you that Izuku wants you to go with them to the doctors for his quirk test.  Of course, you can never say no to your adorable nephew so you pack a bag of everything you will need and buy a ticket for Japan leaving the next day.  In a carry-on bag, you put the special gift you bought for Izuku; a limited edition Young Age All Might action figure still in its original packaging.  The damn thing nearly cost you an arm and a leg since it's an incredibly rare collectible, but for your nephew it's worth it.

Unfortunately, the next day your plane is delayed for two hours and you don't make it in time to go with Inko and Izuku to the doctors.  When you arrive at their apartment, you can feel an oppressive atmosphere around the apartment building and when Inko opens the door for you, you are nearly knocked backwards due to the atmosphere of depression coming from inside.  Inko explains to you that the doctor told them that Izuku is quirkless and that your worthless brother abandoned them after he found out.  You comfort Inko and tell her that you will help her with whatever Izuku and her may need. 

Once she calms down, you decide to check on Izuku.  You open the door of his room and walk inside.  You see him sitting in front of the computer and watching his favorite video of All Might.  "Fear not citizens!  Hope has arrived! Because I am here!"  The rich baritone of Japan's number 1 hero echoes throughout the room.

"Izuku?  I'm sorry that I couldn't be there for you today.  Your momma told me about what the doctor said.  If there was any way that I could give you my quirk I would do so in a heartbeat, my little green valley."

Izuku pauses the video and spins his chair around to face you.  Your heart nearly shatters when you see the river of tears flowing down his face.  Even though he's crying there is a large forced smile on his face.  "Aunty (Y/N)?  Do...do you think...can...can I still be...a hero even if I... don't have...a quirk?"

You walk over to him and place your left hand on his head before slightly ruffling his hair.  "Of course, you can."  He looks up at your face with wide eyes.  "I know of several heroes in America that are quirkless: Ironman, Batman, Green Arrow, Black Widow."  You squat down in front of Izuku, "Izuku... there's two things I want you to always remember.  The first is that a hero's strength lies within their heart," you place your index finger over his heart, "not their quirk.  And you, my little green valley, have the biggest heart I've ever seen.  Secondly, and this one is extremely important to remember, I will always be in your corner no matter what.  Quirk or no quirk I will be by your side cheering you on."

"Aunty!!"  Izuku throws his arms around your neck in a hug and breaks down crying tears of joy. You wrap both of your arms around him and hug him back.

Walk Me Home.  (A Toshinori Yagi/All Might X Reader Love story)Where stories live. Discover now