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I woke up on Camila's bed with the bacon smells hits my nose which is making me hungry. So I got up out of the bed, went to the bathroom, handle my business, flush the toilet, wash my hands and got out of the bathroom on the snowy Tuesday. I went downstairs and saw Camila and her mother which is I met her yesterday before she cooked dinner.

"Good morning Aisha", Camila's mom said as she started scramble the eggs.
"Morning guys", I said as her rude brother mean mugged me like he did yesterday while we watching the reruns of Friends on TBS.
"No seas grosero Alex, dile a esta joven dama buenos días (Don't be rude Alex, tell this young lady good morning)", Ms. Ciarra said as Camila about to make some coffee.

"¿Por qué tengo que hablar con esta perra gorda? (Why I got to speak to this fat bitch)", He rudely asked with the attitude.
"Cuida tu boca sobre ella porque al menos ella se respeta a misma a diferencia de esa puta de trinquete con la que tienes un bebé (Watch your mouth about her because at least she got self respect unlike that ratchet whore that you having a baby with)", Camila said talking to her rude ass brother.

I'm glad she standing up for me because what he said about me is very rude. If she didn't, I would ran away crying in her room where Camila and her mom gets pissed at him.
"¿Quieres un poco de café Aisha? (Do you want some coffee Aisha)?", She asked knowing that her mother almost done with breakfast.
"Sure", I said as she took out I love NY mugged out and fixed me some coffee as her brother tried to leave but his mom stopped him.

"¿Dónde diablos crees que vas? (Where the hell you think you going)?", Her mom asked.
"Fuera, no quiero lidiar con esta perra gorda todo el día mientras Camila se enamora de ella (Out, I don't want to deal with the fat bitch all day while Camila falling for it)", He said since we don't have school today due to snow.
"Demonios, no, no vas a salir por el camino resbaladizo, así que serás amable con ella o te callarás (Hell no, you are not going out on the slick ass road so you going to either be nice to her or shut the hell up)", Her mom said as she took out the plates.

She gave me the plates of grist, scramble eggs and bacon as I took the fork and start eating.
"Thanks for the breakfast Camila", I said even her mom helped her cook.
"You are welcome young lady", Ms. Ciarra said as her brother gave her the gross looked like he don't want to see me for a couple of days.

After the good breakfast with Aisha, my mom and Alex, he tried to be rude to her like he did yesterday but my mom not going to allow him make Aisha run to the bathroom and cry, she helps me cleaned up our mess and went to the living room and start watching talk shows.

To be honest, I'm not that big on talks shows especially Maury but I got to admit, Maury Show came be entertaining every once in the while especially the DNA test episode whenever he said you are not the father and them females ran backstage. No matter how many guys they have tested, they just proven themselves on national TV that she an slut that sleep with so many dude they don't know who the baby dad is.

As for Jerry Springer Show, santa mierda! (Holy shit), I can't stand that show especially when them audience screaming Jerry Jerry over and over again. I mean come on, what so great about that show and them guests that he have is bunch of weirdos on his show. No estoy cagando (I'm not bullshitting), he got couple that sleeping with their own family members, couple sleeping with their families members, stripper and list goes on.

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