Chapter 19

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Jenna felt devastated. She never thought anyone could ever have such great power over her and her emotions.

    She let it all out as she made her way over the castle, and by the time she found her way back to the common room, she was all out of tears and wiped them all away, holding a strong face like she always did.

     The moment she entered the room, Lily, Marlene, and Alice who were studying in a corner, leaped up to their feet at her sight.

     "Jenna! We were worried sick about you!" said Lily as they followed Jenna up to their dorm. "Where were you last night!?"

     "And what's happened to your hair?" Marlene questioned.

     Jenna had to take a piece of her hair in her hand to see what she was talking about; her hair had gone a dark shade of brown.

     Frowning in confusion, she tried to focus on her hair to turn in back to blue, but it didn't change. She even tried pink, purple, or even blonde. But it stayed brown.

     "Will you tell us what's wrong?" Alice asked gently.

     Jenna sighed and sat down on her bed, the other three girls standing around her, waiting for an explanation worriedly.

     "I went and talked to Remus last night, but–" she stopped herself in mid-sentence.

     Jenna knew that she wouldn't reveal Remus's secret even if her life depended on it. It didn't matter to her that he had plainly rejected her; he was still her friend either way.

"But what?" Marlene asked impatiently.

"But he was asleep," Jenna said quickly. "So I decided to spend the night at hospital wing and slept on one of the empty beds so I could talk to him in the morning."

Jenna felt guilty about lying to her best friends, but she didn't have any other choice.

"And? Did you talk to him?" Lily asked nervously. "What did he say?"

"He said that – that he could never feel that way about me and – and that I was too bossy for him – that he could never see me as anything other that James's sister."

Lily and Alice both gasped and then quickly sat on either side of Jenna on the bed and brought her into a hug together, neither of them saying anything.

Marlene had leaped toward her trunk and was searching for something in it hurriedly. Next moment, she took her large box of sweets out of her trunk and walked towards the other three.

Then, Marlene opened the box and offered it to Jenna. "C'mon, take anything you want. It will cheer you up. That's the magic of food." she winked.

"You sure?" Jenna chuckled. "I thought you loved your sweets more than us."

"Oh, don't be silly," Marlene shook her hand. "I love you the same amount."

The girls laughed and Jenna took a chocolate frog out of them and handed the card to Alice who collected them, taking a bite from the chocolate.

"I – I just don't understand," Jenna sighed. "I mean, one minute everything was going smoothly and we were almost kissing, but then all of a sudden he pulled away and got all weird about it."

"Now come to think about it, that didn't really sound like Remus at all," said Lily thoughtfully.

"That's what I thought, too," Jenna nodded. "But he got so harsh that I let the matter go. If he can never like me that way, then be it. Yes, I got sad, but I don't want to lose him as a friend. So I just got up and left."

"If it bothers you that much, then you should go and talk to him," Lily suggested.

"Talk to him?" Jenna scoffed. "I did talk to him, and look where that got me."

Alice – who was ironically brilliant at braiding, even though her own hair was boyishly short – was now sitting behind Jenna on the bed and had started braiding her long wavy brown hair.

"Look, Remus is a logical guy," Lily started as Marlene took a chocolate frog herself. "I'm sure he'll come around. I know he won't risk losing you as a friend either."

"You think so?" Jenna looked hopefully at the red-haired girl.

"I know so." Lily smiled warmly down at her, her green eyes twinkling in kindness.

"Oh, enough with this nonsense already!" Marlene huffed impatiently, placing the sweet box on the nightstand next to Jenna's bed. "Remus is just as stupid as the rest of them!"

"Marlene!" Alice gasped.

"Oh, don't Marlene me!" Marlene retorted. "Anyone would be stupid not to see what an awesome girl Jenna is! And you know what? If I were a boy, she'd be my first booty call! In fact, I'd date any one of you!"

The girls all laughed at the thought. "You'd be the Sirius Black of our group." said Jenna.

"Screw him too!" Marlene snapped, receiving a look from Alice. "In fact, screw all of them! Who needs boys as long as we've got each other!?"

She then went by the box and took four liquorish wands out and handed them on to each of the girls.

"To us girls!" she raised her liquorish wand in the air dramatically.

The other three girls giggled and raised them as well, saying in harmony, "To us girls!"

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