Chapter 182

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It was around four a.m when the door to a 24/7 diner in Yorkshire opened and two tall men walked inside, both their hairs a bright shade of red and their faces filled with freckles.

      The owner of the small restaurant gave them a suspicious look from over the counter as the two ginger men made their way over a booth and sat down. They were wearing the weirdest clothes the owner had ever seen in his life; long navy blue cloaks that he had only seen in Dracula movies before.

       But Fabian and Gideon Prewett hardly cared what the Muggles thought of them that night.

      So with their traveling cloaks still wrapped around them, the two red-haired brothers sat down behind a booth. They were the only costumers there, considering how late it was.

      They were in Yorkshire that night on Order business and so instead of going to a Wizarding pub such as the Three Broomstick or the Leaky Cauldron which were too dangerous at the time, they decided to go to a Muggle diner.

      "What are these things?" Fabian blinked a few times down at the menu in confusion. "What is S-prite?"

      "Probably some kind of Muggle cake." Gideon shrugged unsurely.

      "Ooh, how about fish and chips!?" Fabian said excitedly, pointing down at it.

      "Ah, yes! I'd kill for one of them." Gideon nodded in agreement before calling the owner over to take their orders.

      "How may I help you, gentlemen?" the owner asked in his thick Irish accent, still suspiciously glancing at the two red-headed and freckly men in their weird clothings.

      "Two fish and chips," said Fabian, "and for drinks two Butterbeers. Although if you have Fire Whiskey that would be great too. You know, to wash the tension away." He chuckled, but the owner only stared at him.

       "Sir, we don't serve whiskey here, of that's what you mean," said the owner hesitantly. "Although we do have beer."

       "Oh, all right." Fabian grinned. "Then two Butterbeers it is!"

      The owner frowned in confusion. "I'll — I'll be back with your food and beer." And so he left their side.

       "Why did he keep saying beer?" Gideon whispered in amusement.

      "Dunno. It must be an Irish thing," said Fabian, rolling his eyes playfully.

      "Oh, by the way," Gideon shook his head as he remembered something, suddenly looking more cheerful than before, "I got a letter from Molly yesterday."

     "Oh, yeah?" Fabian's heart leaped with joy at those words. "How is she? How about Arthur and the children?"

      "Oh, they're all right. She said the baby will be born in August. Molly has a feeling that this one's going to be a girl."

      "Let's hope it is, or they'll just keep giving birth to boys until they finally get a girl," Fabian joked and they both laughed. "What are they gonna name her, if it's a girl?"

      "Probably Ginevra," said Gideon. "And they're so excited that Bill's starting his first year at Hogwarts in a few months. Although they're obviously worried, giving the state of things..."

      "How about the others?"

      "Oh, she kept complaining about Fred and George." Gideon shook his head, although he couldn't hide his proud grin. "She said there isn't a single day that goes by without them causing trouble. They've never had a peaceful day ever since those two were old enough to crawl."

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