Chapter 147

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The next month passed quicker than anyone expected, mostly because everyone was so busy helping with planning the wedding, which was going to happen on Christmas eve.

     The wedding ceremony was going to take place in the glamorous yard of Potters' manor. They were going to have many protective enchantments around the place, along with charms that could prevent them from feeling the cold in the slightest.

     There weren't going to be many guests and it was planned to be a small and quiet wedding, considering all the horrible things that was going on in the Wizarding world.

     On the week before James and Lily's wedding, Lily had asked Mr. Potter to walk her down the aisle and to give her away on their wedding day, seeing as both her parents were dead and she saw him as a father figure.

     Mr. Potter accepted her request without a moment of hesitation, breaking down into happy tears and hugging his future daughter-in-law.

     The day of the wedding soon arrived and so Marlene and Alice went to the Potter household before the other guests to help Lily get ready along with Jenna.

     But the moment they entered her room, they came to a halt when they found Lily sitting on the bed, crying as she held onto a letter.

     Jenna was sat beside her as well, wrapping an arm around Lily's shoulder comfortingly.

      "Oh, Lil..." Alice gasped lightly as her and Marlene walked into the room and closed the door behind them again. "What's wrong?"

      "I-It's — my sister," Lily said between sobs. "Sh-she — she s-said that she's not coming to m-my wedding."

      "She what!?" Marlene exclaimed, pacing forward and snatching the letter out of Lily's hands furiously to read it, while Alice sat on Lily's other side, gently caressing her red hair to comfort her.

     "But... why not?" Alice asked worriedly.

     "She said she didn't want to be among our lot," said Jenna grimily, rolling her eyes. "Apparently, she doesn't like the fact that Lily's marrying into a Wizarding family."

      "Oh, what a load of rubbish!" Marlene retorted and then she suddenly crumpled the letter and tossed it away. "Who needs her? You've got us!"

     "That's still her sister, Mar," said Alice softly.

     "A sister who doesn't want to be at her wedding!?"

     Lily started crying even harder than that.

      Jenna shot a look at Marlene, as if to say 'that's not helping' and so she hugged Lily sideways.

     "Look, Lil," Jenna started, "I know it must be a horrible feeling, but this is your wedding day! From what you told me, your parents loved James and I'm sure they would be proud of the person you've become. They wouldn't want their daughter to be crying on her wedding day. I'm sure you'll one day be able to make peace with your sister. That day might not be today, but you mustn't ruin it. Tears don't really go with your beautiful white dress."

      Lily gave her a half smile and sniffed, drying her tears with the back of her knuckle. "Y-you're right. I should just start getting ready."

      "Yes!" Marlene exclaimed happily, clapping her hands together in excitement. "Let's get this party started!"


Meanwhile, Sirius was in James's room, ready to play his part as the Best Man and being there for James in case he got cold-feet.

     But it was like any other wonderful day for James Potter, as he hummed a song happily under his breath. Although the difference was that unlike other days when he spent twenty minutes in front of the mirror to get ready, it was now an hour since he had started styling his hair, trying to get it to look the best version of messy.

      "Prongs, if you don't step away from that mirror, I swear I'm gonna shove it up your arse!" Sirius huffed.

     James turned to glare at him. "What? I'm not allowed to look my best on my wedding day?"

      "Your hair doesn't even look different from an hour ago! It's the same way as always!"

     James opened his mouth to retort, but he was stopped when the door to his room opened and Mrs. Potter peered inside with a smile.

     "The guests are all here," she said. "It's almost time. You ready?"

     "Ready as ever, Mother," said James, throwing one last look in the mirror with a grin. "Ready as ever."

     It was near sunset and a few rows of chairs were set, all facing the place they were going to get married. There was a charm around the yard where they were gathered so they wouldn't feel the cold. Enchanted birds were flying around, singing joyfully above them.

   As the two boys walked down into the yard, James seemed unable to wipe his smile away. Both James and Sirius were wearing their best tuxedos, looking as handsome as ever as they grinned.

      James greeted all the guests warmly as he made his way down the aisle with Sirius by his side. No one had ever seen him happier.

     On the first row, Mrs. Potter was sitting with an empty seat beside her, belonging to her husband. Remus and Peter were present on the front row as well, their families behind them.

     The rest of the guests were Marlene, Marvin, and their parents, Frank and Alice and the Longbottoms, along with a few of James's relatives and family friends, but there couldn't have been more than forty guests in general.

      Just then, the wizard who was there to perform the ceremony, asked the guests to get to their feet. At the same time, a beautiful music started to play magically as the sun was setting at the horizon.

     "Nervous?" Sirius whispered to James as they were standing down the aisle.

      "Not even at all," James said earnestly with a confident smile, and Sirius grinned at him in return.

      But then his heart gave a sinking feeling when from down the aisle, he saw Jenna walking gracefully toward them, looking stunning in her bridesmaid dress. Her hair was her own original dark brown color, tight up into a gorgeous bun, although a few strands had stubbornly fell onto her face.

      And just then, as Sirius looked down at her, a warm smile made its way over his face.

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