Chapter 121

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Throughout the next few weeks, Jenna trained the Gryffindor Quidditch team as good as possible, getting ready for their upcoming match.

       To all of their surprise, Regulus Black had dropped out of the Slytherin team. Although to their relief, the new Slytherin Seeker was a third year boy who — from what James and Sirius found out by spying on them with the Invisibility Cloak — had no idea what he was doing.

       At that point, even Jenna knew that he had probably bought his way into the Slytherin team, so they had nothing to worry about for the upcoming match.

       Another good point was that Jenna didn't have to put tryouts this time, because none of her old teammates had left Hogwarts that year and she knew the old players' strengths and weaknesses by heart.

        But during the practices, Jenna was growing frustrated that every once in a while James would fly up toward the stands to have a chat with Lily, who always showed up to watch them.

       "GET YOUR FLYING ARSE DOWN HERE, POTTER!" Jenna yelled at him.

   So James pecked Lily on the lips quickly before flying down toward the rest of the team, making her blush.

       After the practice when James left the pitch with Lily, Sirius walked out of the changing room to meet up with Jenna.

         "Good, we're finally alone." Sirius sighed as he paced quickly toward her.

          "Yeah, we are..." Jenna hummed with a mischievous smile, going on tiptoes to kiss him on the lips.

       But Sirius pulled away, giving her a look. "I meant that I wanted to talk to you in private, Jenny. But I'm glad to know that you won't miss on the opportunity to attack me with your lips."

         Jenna moved away from him and dropped her gaze down on the ground awkwardly, clearing her throat. "What did you wanna talk about?"

         "Look, this thing with your name not showing up on the Marauders' Map is becoming a problem," Sirius said quietly.

         "What? Why?" Jenna frowned. "Did James say something? Is he suspecting me?"

        "No, not you. But last night when I went back to the dorm James asked me what I was doing alone in a broom closet for a whole hour." Sirius then grinned. "And you and I both know that I wasn't alone."

        Jenna blushed, still avoiding his eyes as she started walking on and Sirius followed after her.

       "Well, I can't tell anyone yet," said Jenna. "I've already broken my promise to Dumbledore once. I can't do it again. It would've been easier if he yelled at me... but he just gives you this disappointing look which is definitely worse."

        "Then how long do you supposed he expects you to keep it a secret?" Sirius asked bitterly. "How long until he decides that the timing's right?"

         Jenna sighed. "I really don't know."


As predicted, the Quidditch match against Slytherin was easy and Jenna managed to catch the Snitch before their new Seeker had even spotted it, which led to a small celebration in the Gryffindor common room.

They were all discussing the match with excitement as Jenna was sitting around with Marlene and Alice, stretching her legs up on the table.

But her attention was caught by Sirius, who was waving his arms at her from behind the girls to get Jenna to look up at him.

He then gestured at the portrait hole, as if to ask her to follow him outside. Jenna knew what this meant.

It was a full moon tonight.

"I — I'll catch up with you guys later," Jenna said, getting up to her feet and following Sirius out of the common room.

Marlene shook her head in disappointment as she watched them leave. "Those two are like bunnies, I swear."

After going down the staircase with Sirius, Jenna met up with Peter and James in the entrance hall.

"I thought you and Lily were off somewhere, celebrating alone," Jenna said with a grin, wiggling her eyebrows at James.

"Anyway," said James, ignoring his sister. "We better get going."

As they were making their way toward the edge of the Dark Forest where the Whomping Willow was planted, the sky was slowly getting darker, but the moon wasn't out yet.

"Look! There's Moony!" Peter squeaked, pointing at Remus, who was being carried toward the tree by Madam Pomfrey, looking weak and in pain.

"Keep it down, Wormtail," James said softly as they hid themselves behind the trees in the distance.

When Madam Pomfrey left the Willow alone after a few minutes, the three Marauders remained hidden with Jenna and waited until the full moon was completely out.

"C'mon, let's go," said James after some while and the rest of them followed him toward the Whomping Willow.

As always, Peter transformed into a rat to push the knot by the trunk, causing the tree to stop moving and to freeze.

By that, the rest of them transformed as well and stepped inside the tree, going all the way until they reached the Shrieking Shack, where Remus was growling angrily, scratching and biting himself.

"He doesn't seem too happy to see us," said Sirius in a quiet bark.

Jenna tried to hold back her thoughts, because she knew the rest of them could understand her loud thoughts. But she didn't know if other animals could understand her too, or this just happened magically because they were all human.

Sirius was right. The werewolf seemed to be is a worse mood that they had ever seen him.

"Let's get him outside," James suggested in his stag form. "That might cheer him up."

        It took them some while, but at last the five of them were out and headed toward the forest.

       Remus kept howling, attempting to break tree branches as he ran around angrily, and Jenna feared that he might get out of control.

     But her fears came true when through the woods, they heard a man singing. They all looked up in the direction in horror as the werewolf started sniffing.

        "Hagrid!" said Jenna fearfully.

        The werewolf suddenly howled and made a run at the direction of the sound, but the dog and the stag were quick to run after him, blocking his way.

       Jenna made a move to go forward and help stop Remus, but Sirius was quick to growl at her warningly. 

       "Stay where you are!" He barked at her.

      Jenna and Peter watched the two large animals try to stop the werewolf. The stag pointed his antlers at him aggressively, trying to hold him back as the dog barked loudly and snapped his teeth together warningly to keep him away.

But growing irritated, the werewolf suddenly gave out an angry howl and raised its claws, scratching the dog and throwing him away harshly.

The dog growled in pain as he collapsed on the ground, blood starting to leave his wounded limb.

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