Chapter 159

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"WHAT!?" Jenna and Marlene exclaimed and Alice gasped.

"It's true," Lily nodded, laughing with happiness, "I think I'm one month in."

"Oh, my God..." said Jenna in a hallow voice. "I'm gonna be an aunt... I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT!"

"We're all gonna be aunts!" said Marlene, clapping her hands together excitedly and jumping up and down.

"Mar, I think she meant by blood —" Lily was saying, but Marlene cut her off.

"Oh, shut up and give us a hug, you mama bear!" They all chuckled, and so Jenna, Marlene, and Lily moved forward for a long group hug before pulling back.

They glanced at Alice, who was standing a feet away from, looking down anxiously and pursing her lips together.

"You okay, Al?" Lily asked her worriedly.

"I... w-well... I don't know..." Alice muttered under her breath.

"What's wrong?" Jenna questioned apprehensively, frowning slightly.

"I — I think I might be pregnant too."

"WHAT!?" the other three girls exclaimed together, their eyes widening in shock.

"I-I mean... I'm not sure... but I've been having all the signs lately..."

"Have you told Frank about this?" Lily asked.

"No, not yet." Alice shook her head. "I wanted to make sure first."

"Oh, Al, this is amazing!" Lily cried out, moving forward and bringing Alice in a hug.

With one glance at each other, Marlene and Jenna went toward them as well and the all hugged one another.

"Oh, imagine if one of your kids was a girl and the other a boy, and they would fall in love and get married!" said Jenna as they pulled away and Alice giggled.

"You know what I was thinking, Jen?" asked Marlene.


"That it would be a good idea if you got pregnant too about now!" she said excitedly. "You better tell Sirius to get to work."

"Get to work?" Jenna repeated.

"Yup." Marlene grinned. "Ooh, can you just imagine how fun that would be! All your three kids would come stay with their Aunt Mar over the weekend and I would give them Butterbeer and they would love me!"

"You would do no such thing!" Lily scolded, making them all laugh.

"Have you told James yet, Lil?" Jenna asked her.

"Yeah. He almost cried." Lily giggled at the thought. "But we haven't told Sirius or your parents yet. We're going to tell them tomorrow at your parents' house over lunch."

Jenna grinned. "I can't wait to see their reaction."

      But they all turned to look back at Marlene, who had started giggling unstoppably.

      "What's so funny?" Jenna raised a brow at her.

      Marlene smirked, holding back another giggle. "You've all did the deed."

      "Oh, Lord..." Lily mumbled and shook her head in disappointment, while Jenna face-palmed, and Alice chuckled.


The next day, Lily, James, Jenna, and Sirius went to the Potter Manor as they did every Sunday for lunch.

Mr. and Mrs. Potter had gone upstairs to get ready for the day, seeing as they had just returned back home from the Ministry and were still in their traveling clothes.

Lily and James were whispering together as the four of them had gathered in the living room, waiting for Mr. and Mrs. Potter to come down and join them.

     "What are you two on about?" Sirius asked the couple, but they didn't seem to have heard him, being deep in a small argument.

      "We'll tell them at the same time," Lily was whispering.

      "But I want to be the one to say it!" James argued stubbornly.

      "Fine, but at least wait until your parents come down, so we can tell them all at once —"

But James cut her off when he suddenly turned to face Sirius and blurted out loudly, "Lily's pregnant!"

Sirius's eyes widened. But then he quickly regained himself and raised a brow at them playfully. "Who's the father?"

"Sirius!" Jenna scolded, smacking him on the arm.

"I'm just messing around," Sirius laughed, moving forward to bring her into a hug happily. "Congratulations, you two! Man, this is unbelievable! An actual baby in the gang!"

"What's going on down there?" They heard Mrs. Potter say and when they turned around, they saw her coming down the stairs along with Mr. Potter.

"We're having a baby!" James shouted before Lily could get the chance to open her mouth.

"We're — we're having a baby!?" said Mr. Potter in a hollow voice, blinking a few times before he shrieked, "WE'RE HAVING A BABY!"

"Oh, Godric... I'm going to be a grandma!" Mrs. Potter exclaimed, going forward to hug Lily as Mr. Potter ran to the kitchen to bring a bottle of wine to drink.

"I'M GOING TO BE A GRANDPA!" They heard Mr. Potter shouting from the kitchen.

"Mum, it's my kid too, you know," James said as Mrs. Potter wouldn't let Lily go. But she ignored him.

"Oh, I can't believe this!" said Mrs. Potter, finally pulling away from her, but still having her hands on Lily's arms. "If there's anything you need, darling, don't hesitate to ask. We're here for you every second of every day."

Mickey was now sobbing in the back, wiping his nose with his tiny hands. "M-my little saint is a father now..."

     James chuckled, going forward to pat the house-elf on the back kindly and hugging him before moving back to his sister.

"Congrats, J.P," said Jenna, going to hug James for the hundredth time. "This is the best news we could've heard in times like this. I can't believe you're —"

But then suddenly, they all came to a halt and jumped when they heard a loud thud from the kitchen.

Glancing at one another worriedly, they ran toward the kitchen, only to gasp and yelp as they saw Fleamont there, laying unconsciously on the floor with the bottle of wine broken beside him.

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