Chapter 44

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"What!?" Jenna exclaimed loudly.

"Shh!" Lily hissed, looking over at the other two girls to see if they had awoken or not.

But Alice only shifted on her bed, meanwhile Marlene snored loudly with her mouth hanging open.

"I know it's crazy," Lily said reassuringly. "I told him it couldn't have been true."

"And — and is that what you believe yourself?" Jenna asked awkwardly.

"Well, of course I don't believe that Remus is a werewolf," Lily scoffed. "Honestly, Severus has the weirdest theories sometimes."

"Yeah... right."

      "Well, let's go to sleep then, shall we? It's been a tiring day." Lily suggested with a small yawn and Jenna nodded. "Goodnight."


     With that, Jenna crawled back under her bed sheets, but couldn't get herself to close her eyes.

     She was in a conflict to whether tell Remus about Snape's suspicions or not; but she was afraid that if she told them, Sirius and James wouldn't hesitate to hex him, this time worse than ever.

     So for the time being, Jenna decided to keep this to herself, and forced her eyes close and slowly drifted off.


Throughout the next month, Jenna felt happier and more cheerful than ever; everything had gone back to normal with Sirius as he flirted with her jokingly back and forth and she rolled her eyes at him playfully, giggling when she was sure he was no longer looking.

And on the other hand, Jenna was back to being friends with Remus, just like how they were before fourth year; before she had the crush on him, and she couldn't be more grateful for that.

Sure, things hadn't worked out the way she had hoped for, but at least she didn't lose him and this way had her old good friend back.

With their Quidditch match against Ravenclaw soon approaching, Jenna booked the pitch for Gryffindor four or five times a week and they practiced tirelessly until the day of the match finally arrived.

      The Gryffindor team felt more confident than their last match with Slytherin as they sat in the Great Hall, eating breakfast along with the others.

     "Good morning, Kitten," Sirius grinned, taking the empty seat next to Jenna as she was sitting with Lily, Marlene, and Alice.

"Ready for the match?" Jenna asked, pouring herself some coffee.

"Please," Sirius grinned arrogantly. "I was born ready."

"Oh, no," Lily groaned to herself and when the rest turned their heads to see what she meant, they saw James walking towards them and dropped himself next to Lily.

      "Morning, Evans," he grinned. "Coming to support our game?"

      "Yes," Lily answered flatly, putting some jam on her toast.

      "Good, then I'll make sure to put on a good show for you," he winked.

    Just when Lily turned on him angrily to retort, but Jenna abruptly got to her feet and for the sake of her brother's health shouted,

     "Alright, team! To the locker rooms!"

     With that, the other six members stood up, following Jenna out of the hall.

"But I didn't eat anything!" James called grumpily after Jenna, but she only grinned and walked on.

"Okay," Jenna started as they were all dressed and ready to fly onto the pitch as the stands filled up. "Just like I'd said many time before, Ravenclaw's keeper is as great as always, which makes it hard on you guys," she said, pointing at the three chasers.

Jenna then went on, saying, "But the one advantage we have is that their Seeker graduated last year and their new one isn't as good, so that gives us a winning point. We will win the Quidditch Cup this year! We'll win it, and bring the glory to our house just like we did two years ago! Now who's with me!?"

There was roars of agreement, muffling out the cheers of the people outside the pitch and so with that, the Gryffindor team mounted their brooms and shot to the sky.


There was a party in the Gryffindor common room that night after they had once more successfully won the match.

The music was louder than ever and the common room was noisier than ever, for they knew that if they won the next match against Hufflepuff, the Cup would belong to them.

     Two Muggleborn boys were in charge of the music, so they bewitched the Wizarding Wireless Network to connect to Muggle channels for the majority of the night, playing Abba, Bee Gees, and Queen.

Dozens of Butterbeer glasses were passed around and all the Gryffindors drank cheerfully as they danced to the songs.

     Jenna was standing in a corner with her three friends, enjoying a chat with them that Sirius appeared beside them with his hands cooly in his pockets.

     "Hello, ladies," he smiled charmingly down at them. "Enjoying the party so far?"

     "Oh, yes, very much! Thank you," Alice answered politely, beaming at him.

     "How about you, Jenny?" Sirius turned to Jenna, grinning.

      "The Muggle music's pretty cool," Jenna shrugged.

     "Then dance with me with it," said Sirius cheekily, offering her his hand.

     "You didn't say the magic word."

     "Er... Accio Jenna?"

      She laughed, taking his hand. "Good enough."

     And so the two walked away, leaving Lily and Marlene to look after them in shock as Sirius spun Jenna around and pulled her to his chest, laughing as they danced.

     "What just happened?" Marlene mused, watching them in horror.

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