Chapter 149

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"May I have your attention, please?" Everyone turned around on their seats as Sirius got to his feet with a glass in his hand and they all fell silent.

After a few hours, everyone was now sitting down behind their table over dinner, worn out after all the dancing.

"Oh Lord, here it comes," James muttered under his breath worriedly, but Lily gave him a look to silence him.

"As you all know," Sirius started, "James here is a very deer friend of mine..."

James groaned, Peter sniggered, and Remus face-palmed at that, meanwhile Jenna only grinned knowingly.

"But I'm not gonna deny that sometimes I wanted to hit my head against the wall at nights when James wouldn't stop talking about Lily," everyone chuckled as Sirius went on, but James only glared at him. "I've honestly lost count over the times he talked about her, from the end of third year, up to their seventh year at Hogwarts when he finally got the yes."

Everyone was smiling now, wondering where Sirius was going with this.

"I thought that maybe once he got the yes, James would finally stop gushing over the matter. But to see the look on the his face today as he watched Lily walking down the aisle, I realized that their love is endless. And isn't that just what everybody wants..."

"The truth is," he continued, "many people search their whole lives for what Lily and James have, and I'm honored to be a witness of their beautiful love." He grinned down at James, who smiled back and so Sirius raised his glass. "So I would like to propose a toast, to Lily and James. May their love be eternal."

  "To Lily and James!" the crowd chanted, all raising their glasses and drinking.

"Wow, Padfoot, I'm amazed," said James as Sirius sat back down at their table, where the eight of them were all sitting. "You actually managed to change half of your sentences from the time you were practicing the speech. But you got me worried at the first half."

When everyone went back to chatting and the cake was brought in flying plates and set in front of them, Mr. and Mrs. Potter walked up to their table.

"Congratulations, you two," said Mr. Potter. He looked a little pale and worn-out tonight, but his smile was as genuine as ever.

"Thank you so much," said Lily, beaming up at them. "For everything. Tonight was absolutely amazing."

"Of course, darling." said Mrs. Potter. "Well... Fleamont and I have been thinking about what we could get you as a wedding gift, so I thought —"

"It was my idea, actually," Mr. Potter cut her off.

"Anyway," said Mrs. Potter, glaring at him sharply, "we came up with this."

And so Mr. Potter dug into his coat's pocket, taking out a small box and handing it to the couple.

James took it from his father in confusion and opened it as everyone else around the table watched curiously, until he finally took a small key from inside it.

James blinked a few times, lost for words as he stared down at the key.

"It's the key to your new home," said Mrs. Potter, causing all their eyes to widen. "It's a small house in Godric's Hollow."

"We know it's not too big, but I guess it's a start," said Mr. Potter.

"I — Mum — Dad —" James struggled to make out the words, meanwhile Lily seemed too in shock to say anything at all. "I — I don't know what to say..."

"You can say yes. It's just a little wedding gift." Mrs. Potter smiled at him. "I asked Mickey to pack everything for you, in case you wanted to spend the first night at your new home tonight. Of course, only if you wanted to —"

"Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!" Lily exclaimed and jumped to her feet and hugged Mr. and Mrs. Potter in turn, James following her.


After the wedding, many of the guests left, although a few of them stayed behind for the after party, including Remus, Peter, Marlene, Alice, and Frank.

"Woah, I think you've had enough Jenny," said Sirius, taking the glass of Fire-whisky from her.

"Hey!" Jenna whined and made a grab for it, but Sirius only raised it up higher with a grin. "Why not? I haven't even had a single glass!"

"Don't you remember what happened the last time you had too much Fire-whisky?"



Jenna laughed, shaking her head at him. "I'm not that bad."

"Yeah, you're right. You're definitely worse," said Sirius. "You were tearing my shirt off the last time you drank."

"I don't see why you're complaining." Jenna shrugged innocently.

"Oh no, it's not that I'm complaining." Sirius shook his head with a light smirk. "But then I would have to stop you, because you're drunk."

"Then don't stop me," said Jenna with a sweet smile, flinging her arms around his neck.

"Gladly. But the problem is I would feel guilty the next morning —" He was then cut off when Jenna leaned in and nearly crashed her lips against his.

"You know... it's actually tradition that the Maid of Honor and the Best Man should get together at the end of the night," Jenna joked as she pulled away slightly.

"Oh yeah?" Sirius grinned down at her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Then let's not break the tradition."

Jenna went to kiss him again, but Sirius pulled away, taking a hold of her hand and dragging her away.

"Where are you taking me?" Jenna asked with a grin.

"To your friends," Sirius answered, causing her smile to fall. "Wait here. I'll go get us something less strong to drink."

And when he walked away, Jenna walked back to where Lily, Marlene, and Alice were sitting, talking and giggling.

"What is it?" Jenna asked as she sat down next to them.

"James is trying to get Remus drunk," Marlene said in an excited whisper and they all giggled again. "He almost knocked down the chandelier with his wand."

"Ooh, a drunk Remus?" Jenna grinned brightly. "That would make my night!"

And just then, from the end of the room they saw James, Peter, and Frank walking into the hall with Remus right in front of them.

"What's up, witches!" Remus sang, shimming his way toward the girls as they all laughed at him.

"Oh, I love drunk Remus!" Marlene cheered. "Quick — give him more!" she said, holding up her butterbeer.

"Marlene, stop!" said Lily, putting down her glass.

"Ugh, why?" Marlene rolled her eyes.

"Give him Fire-whiskey," Lily grinned mischievously. "It's stronger." They all laughed as they poured a full glass and handed it to Remus.

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