Chapter 113

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Throughout the next week, Jenna received a letter from Lily, telling her the news of becoming the new Head Girl.

So as the four Potters sat down for dinner one night, Jenna decided to bring the matter up just to see James's reaction and enjoy his attempt to keep himself calm and to not burst out with happiness. His face was going to be priceless.

"So I got a letter from Lily today," said Jenna, holding back her grin.

"L-lily?" James's head shot up at the mention of her name. But he cleared his throat, trying to regain himself. This was already off to a great start.

"Ooh, what did she say?" asked Mrs. Potter.

"She's been chosen as the new Head Girl," said Jenna, turning to face her brother hopefully, awaiting his reaction.

But James only shrugged. "I knew that already."

She stared at him for a few seconds. "Wh-what?" Now it was her face that looked priceless.

"Oh, did I not tell you?" said James with an arrogant grin playing at the edge of his lips. "I've been writing to her over summer. In the last letter, I told her about my new Head Boy's badge, and in her response letter, she told me that she was appointed too."

"B-but — when — why —?"

"For the when of it, I would say I probably figured it out before you did," said James, bearing a smug face. "And about the why of it... what can I say? I guess it's because she thinks I'm kinda groovy."

Jenna gritted her teeth together and said nothing else, looking down at her plate and chopping her chicken with unnecessary force.

Fleamont Potter still wasn't over his disappointment with James becoming a Head Boy, obviously still upset over the fact that the school hadn't appointed him one either.

"I really don't know where we went wrong," said Mr. Potter gloomily. "Here we have an honorable Quidditch Captain — just like myself — but then there's a prefect in the family. Shame, shame."

"I'm sitting right here," said James, blinking at him.

"Head Boy," Mrs. Potter corrected her husband with a glare. "And what do you mean we went wrong? We've done a great job raising them! Okay — I admit, they weren't exactly saints at first, but they came around, didn't they? Or at least I hope they have."

"Can they not see us?" James asked Jenna, staring at their parents in disbelief.

As promised, the next Sunday when Sirius came to the Potter household for lunch, they all Apparated to Diagon Alley after they were done with their meal, to get their school supplies.

Sirius, James, and Jenna wanted to go there on their own now that they were all of age, but Mr. and Mrs. Potter insisted on accompanying them, reasoning the bad times that they were at.

So as soon as they all arrived at Diagon Alley, they first went to Gringotts to get a few Galleons from their vaults.

But the twins came upon a surprise when their parents walked toward a goblin and asked for James and Jenna Potter's keys.

"Wait — our own vault?" James asked, staring at his parents in disbelief as the goblin handed them their keys.

"Yes," Mrs. Potter nodded at him brightly, "we opened up the vaults for you when you were born, putting little money in it each year, until you were of age."

"This is brilliant!" Jenna said enthusiastic. "Thank you."

So Mr. Potter turned to a grim looking goblin who was in charge and said, "Take us to vault 687 and 688."

"Follow me," the goblin growled, and so the four Potter sat down in the magical carts along with Sirius, going through the undergrounds.

When they reached their new vaults, they saw that each had around a thousand Galleons in them. Even though it didn't even equivalent a small corner of their parents' vaults, they were thrilled all the same.

After they had gone to the vault which Sirius's uncle had left him, they got out of Gringotts to buy their new books.

But on their way to the Leaky Cauldron where they could have some Butterbeer before leaving, they stopped when someone started calling out Jenna's name from behind them.

Turning around, Jenna was suddenly caught off guard when Alice threw her arms around her.

"Hey, Al," said Jenna, chuckling at how enthusiastic this girl was.

"Oh, it's so good to see you!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together in happiness. She then turned to the rest of the group, greeting them all politely.

"I see you've been growing out your hair over summer," said Jenna, pointed at her hair. It was longer than ever, even though it didn't even reach her shoulders. "You can almost compete with Sirius here."

"Oh, please," Sirius scoffed, running a hand through his black hair gracefully, "no one can compete with me." They all chuckled at that.

"Where are your parents, Alice?" Mrs. Potter asked, trying to smile at her even though she couldn't hide the worry in her voice. "Don't tell me you've come here alone."

"Oh, I'm not alone," Alice said brightly, "I'm here to visit my uncle Florean."

"Hold up," said Mr. Potter, breaking her off, "are you telling me that your uncle is Florean Fortescue? The man who runs the ice cream shop here?"

"Yes, sir," Alice giggled, "and he tells me you're a regular costumer of his."

"Well, of course! I'm his biggest fan!" said Mr. Potter cheerfully. "Do you mind introducing us?"

"Oh, sure! This way, sir," said Alice kindly, leading the way, and so Mr. Potter followed her with an exciting glimmer in his eyes.

Mrs. Potter sighed, watching her husband leave. "Great. I'm married to an eight year old boy."

"Careful with your words, Mother," Jenna started with a grin. "What do you think people will think if they hear you say that?"

"Oh, hush," said Mrs. Potter, smacking Jenna on the arm as they both laughed.

While Mr. and Mrs. Potter were busy chatting with young Mr. Fortescue, and Sirius and James were arguing over which ice cream flavors they should get, Jenna sat outside the shop with Alice over one of the tables.

"Ooh, I heard James and Lily both made the Heads this year!" said Alice with a flicker of excitement in her eyes. "I mean, James kind of deserved it, didn't he? He'd been working really hard last year."

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure his goal was to impress Lily, not to become the new Head Boy." Jenna chuckled. "But worked out both ways for him, didn't it?"

"True," Alice giggled again. "Hope Lily wasn't so blind, though... but it doesn't matter. I have this feeling that it's gonna happen this year. I'm sure of it."

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