Chapter 74

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Halfway through the train ride, the three girls were joined once again by Lily as the lunch trolley arrived by their compartment.

"So how did you guys do on your O.W.Ls?" asked Lily, trying to sound casual as she changed the subject, even though it was obvious she wanted to bring that up since the start.

"Fine." Jenna shrugged.

"I got everything I needed for becoming an Auror," said Alice, smiling sweetly. "Frank got all his N.E.W.Ts too! He even managed to start working at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement as a trainee over summer."

"That's great!" said Lily enthusiastically. "Maybe he can help you get in as well. You know, to guide you."

"Yeah, he said so as well." Alice nodded brightly. "Frank's really sweet. Not to mention very brave."

"Aww, someone's in love," Jenna sang cheekily, raising her hand toward Alice and messing up her short hair. Alice giggled, blushing as she did so.

"How about you, Mar?" said Lily worriedly, turning on the blonde girl who was suspiciously quiet and grumpy throughout the conversation. "Everything went fine with the results?"

"Oh, yes! It went perfect!" said Marlene in mock cheerfulness.

"That's great —"

"I was being sarcastic, Lily!" Marlene rolled her eyes. "It was dreadful! I failed History of Magic and Ancient Runes! I knew I shouldn't have picked that stupid subject."

"W-well," Lily started awkwardly, "who cares about those two subjects anyway? It will be alright."

"Yeah, right." She scoffed. "I only got an A in Transfigurations! McGonagall doesn't let in anyone unless they've got E or O! Ugh — I'm useless!"

"Oh, don't say that, Mar," said Alice with a gasp. "Of course you're not useless."

"She's right." Jenna nodded with a grin. "I mean, you can be used as a bad example."

The three of them chuckled at that, but they were bound to stop when Marlene shot them a sharp and deadly look.


The feast at Hogwarts was as magnificent as ever, but something about it seemed gloomier than the previous years.

      Perhaps it was the Sorting Hat's new song, telling them to stick together in the dark times. Or maybe it was the fact that many students were missing, having left the country with their families in fear.

      "I don't like to see Hogwarts like this," said Lily, frowning. "If my parents knew what really was going on... there was no way they would've let me return this year."

      "But surely Muggles know something's going on," said Jenna.

      "Yeah, but they don't know who their first target is," Lily reasoned bitterly, her gaze wondering toward the Slytherin table across the Great Hall anxiously.

     The other three girls just looked down at their plates uneasily, knowing that Lily was talking about her blood status, which wasn't a problem among the rest of them.

      After the feast ended, Lily departed from them to attend to her Prefect duties and so Marlene, Alice, and Jenna made their way toward the Gryffindor common room.

      But before they could reach the tower, they were stopped by a third year Ravenclaw girl as she ran up to them. "A-are you Jenna Potter?" she asked, turning to face her.

      "Yes?" Jenna raised a brow at her.

      "Professor Dumbledore wants to see you in his office. He —  he also said that he likes Cauldron Cakes," she said, looking confused.

      And then, without further information, she turned on her heels and left the corridor.

      "Dumbledore?" Marlene mused with a frown. "Why should we care if he likes Cauldron Cakes? Everyone likes Cauldron Cakes, it's not a big deal."

      "What do you think he wants?" asked Alice, turning on Jenna.

      "Dunno," she said casually. "I better go and find out, then." And with that, she gave the two girls a small wave and left the corridor.

     Jenna walked toward Dumbledore's office, feeling her heartbeat speed up more the closer she got to it. At last she stopped by the Gargoyle statue, which she knew was the entrance.

      It didn't take her more than five seconds to realize that Cauldron Cake must've been the password. And so, when she said it out loud, the Gargoyle came to life and moved aside, revealing a staircase.

     Gulping, Jenna started walking up. She knocked on the door and then opened it after hearing a faded voice, saying, "Come in."

       "Good evening, Professor," said Jenna, closing the door behind her.

      "Ah, Miss Potter." Dumbledore beamed at her as he was sitting behind his desk. "Please, take a seat."

      Jenna looked around the room, but saw no chairs. But just then Dumbledore took out his wand and with an effortless swish of it, a chair appeared before his desk.

      Jenna hesitantly walked toward it and sat down in silence, waiting eagerly for Dumbledore to begin.

      "I assume you know why you're here," he started. "You have no idea what a noble thing you're doing, Jenna. But I will say this again: you're free to back out any time you like. Or at least, before your mission begins. But who knows, maybe it will be years until the time is right for us to initiate."

      Jenna only nodded, not knowing what else she was supposed to say. Until she finally asked, "What will the lessons contain, sir?"

      Dumbledore looked down at her with his twinkling blue eyes, before saying, "Occlumency."

      "The — the shield against Legilimency?"

      "Exactly," said Dumbledore in a low voice, standing up to his feet and walking over his desk and toward her. "It is essential."

      Jenna took aback and felt slightly disappointed, seeing as she expected to receive lessons to highly advanced jinxes and hexes.

      "But... why would it be essential?" she mused. 

      Dumbledore stood before Jenna, looking down at her as he said, "Because Voldemort is a very skilled Legilimens. So if you don't master Occlumency, he will use it against you. And that is lethal if you are to be in his presence as an imposter."

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