Chapter 191

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Sirius and Jenna looked sideways at each other, knowing from that glance that they were both just as scared to hear what Dumbledore had to say. They went and sat down in the living room under Dumbledore's request, waiting for him to explain.

"Are they safe?" Jenna asked quickly, her heartbeat speeding up.

"For now," said Dumbledore, although it wasn't enough to reassure the two.

"But then what's wrong!?" Sirius asked urgently, raising his voice slightly.

"Unfortunately," Dumbledore started, "young Harry has been made a part of a prophecy. A prophecy concerning Lord Voldemort."

Sirius eyes widened and the color drained from Jenna's face at those words as they stared at Dumbledore.

"H-harry?" Jenna muttered in this belief. "But — but he's just a baby! How could he be connected to Voldemort!?"

"The prophecy speaks of a boy born at the end of July. A boy whose parents have defied the Dark Lord — or his forces —thrice," he continued. "It says that the boy will have the power to vanquish him."

Jenna clapped a shaky hand to her mouth as Dumbledore went on.

"The Prophecy was made long ago, but as of recently... I was told by an authentic source that Lord Voldemort has heard of the Prophecy and has chosen Harry as his target, for his own reasons."

"But — but I would've known of it," Jenna said breathlessly, her tears at the verge of falling. "Why didn't I hear of such thing in his presence?"

"You said it yourself, Miss Potter," said Dumbledore. "Lord Voldemort keeps his secrets in cautious way."

"But they have to be protected!" Sirius almost yelled. "We have to do something!"

"That's the reason I'm here," said Dumbledore calmly. "I suggested the use of the Fidelius Charm; as you know, this charm involves the concealment of information inside a living person. The Secret Keeper is the only person who is capable of revealing the protected information to others. I offered the Potters to be their Secret Keeper. But they refused."

"Refused?" Jenna mused. "But why?"

"They would rather have one of you two as their Secret Keeper. They trust you more than anything and anyone in this world. They trust you with their lives."

"Then why are we sitting here, wasting time!?" Sirius shouted, getting to his feet promptly. "We need to go there now!"

"Well, I'm coming too!" Jenna protested, standing up as well.

"You're staying here, Jenna! End of discussion!" Sirius retorted.

But before Jenna could open her mouth to argue any further, Dumbledore cut her off.

"Perhaps I could accompany you to the Potters' house," he said. "You can talk with young Mr. and Mrs. Potter. That way, you may sort things out easier."

Sirius still wasn't too happy about Jenna leaving the house, but he knew that there was no way James would let his sister put herself in such danger, and so agreed to go and meet James and Lily, that way at least they could talk Jenna out of it.

After Dumbledore assisted Sirius and Jenna to Godric's Hollow to make sure they got there safely, he departed from them soon.

Once they got to the house, James was the one who opened the door. He looked more messed up and exhausted than they'd ever seen him before.

"Dumbledore told you?" James asked in a mere whisper and the two nodded as they stepped inside.

"Where's Lily?" Jenna asked worriedly.

"Upstairs, with Harry," said James and just then Jenna noticed how red his eyes looked from behind his lopsided glasses. "I... I'll go call her down."

And so James disappeared up the stairs, returning back a minute later with Lily by his side, whose tears were streaming down her green eyes.

"Oh, Lil..." Jenna breathed shakily, walking toward her best friend quickly and bringing her into a hug as Lily sobbed against her shoulder.

After she had slightly calmed down, the four sat around the living room for a few moments quietly, until Lily finally broke the silence.

"Why him?" Lily sobbed. "Why does it have to be Harry? Why my little boy... he's innocent... he hasn't done anything to deserve this... none of this..."

"We're going to protect him, Lily," James said firmly, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. He was fighting back his own tears for the sake of his wife, trying to look strong for her. "We won't let anything happen to him. I'll fight for him until the very end, if I have to."

"You know you can count on me as the Secret Keeper, Prongs," said Sirius. "You can trust me."

"I know." James gave him a half-smile. "That's why I refused Dumbledore's offer. Lily and I trust you two more than anyone else."

"Well, it's got to be me!" Jenna retorted.

"Don't say nonsense, Jenna," Sirius said firmly. "You'll be in too much danger if Voldemort finds out it's you. I've nearly lost you once. I can't afford to do it again."

"I actually think Sirius is right, J.P," said James, giving her a guilty look. "You're in enough trouble already, with half the Wizarding world after you. I don't want to put this burden on you."

"So when are we going to cast the charm?" Sirius questioned before Jenna could even open her mouth to protest.

"First thing tomorrow, at dusk," James answered. "It's late tonight and we're all tired. This charm is too powerful, so we need to have all strength to perform it. We can do it tomorrow, after we've had enough rest."

"But... wouldn't tomorrow be too late?" Jenna asked apprehensively.

"There are already enough enchantments around this house to keep him or his followers at bay for the time being," James reasoned. "But with the Fidelius Charm, there is no way he could reach us."

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