Chapter 92

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Jenna had shut herself up in her room and was laying on her bed, facing the window and looking outside.

But she raised her head when someone gently knocked at her door and opened it. With that, Jenna saw her mother coming inside.

"Hey," Mrs. Potter smiled at her warmly, walking toward the bed and sitting at the edge of it. "Your dad went and apologized to Sirius."

"Did you use the Imperius Curse on him to do so?" said Jenna jokingly, sitting up straight and leaning against the headboard.

"No," said Mrs. Potter, chuckling. "But turns out, Sirius was actually meaning to move out for some while like he said, not because he was offended. And to be honest, I couldn't have kept him a prisoner here forever."

"Then why didn't he tell me anything about it before?" Jenna frowned.

"Maybe he was going to wait for the right moment, but didn't get the chance to."

"I still don't understand, though," Jenna mumbled to herself.

"Understand what?"

"That why would Dad overreact this much? I mean, even James was cooler — okay, no. That's not true."

"They just care for you and don't want to see you hurt," she tried to reason.

"Dad was being unfair."

"Your dad was being how any other father would've been in this situation," said Mrs. Potter, smiling at her.

"But still... Sirius has been living here for months now," Jenna tried to reason. "I don't understand why Dad's so suddenly against it! It wasn't a problem before!"

"Well, it was different."

"No, it wasn't," she said stubbornly, shrugging.

"Yes, Jenna, it was. You weren't dating him back then."

"Oh, so what? That's not gonna change anything!"

"Oh, for Godric's sake," Euphemia huffed to herself before finally blurting out, "Of course that changes things! You two didn't want to have sex back then, did you!?"


"What!? I tried not to say it, but you just wouldn't get it!"

"That's what Dad's freaked out about?" Jenna's eyes widened. "But that's insane! Besides, Sirius and I go to the same school together! We could've already —"

"Yes, I'm aware," said Mrs. Potter, laughing. "So... just out of curiosity... have you?"

"What — no!"

"Okay! Okay!" She raised her hands defensively before shaking her head. "Merlin, can't even talk to this girl without her getting all dramatic. I swear, it runs in the family..."


That night, nobody spoke much during dinner. So after an hour or two, Jenna walked toward Sirius's bedroom and knocked. Once she opened the door and got inside, she saw that James was there as well.

      But they weren't even talking; James was on one side of the room, doing school work as he was sitting on the ground, meanwhile Sirius was laying down on his bed, flipping through a motorcycle magazine.

       "You!" Jenna snarled dangerously, narrowing her eyes at her brother.

        "Before you say anything, I want to tell you something," said James defensively, getting up to his feet in case he had to run away if his sister wanted to attack him.


        "That if anything, you should be thankful of me."

        "Excuse me!?" Jenna frowned, folding her arms as James gulped and took a step back, while Sirius looked between them with amusement.

       "Well, I made it easy for you! Now the hard part's over!"

       "No, you didn't make it easy!" Jenna retorted. "I was going to tell them another way!"

       "Oh, yeah? How?"

       "In a letter while we were far away and safe at Hogwarts."

       "But where was going to be the fun in that?" said James with a smirk, but his face fell when Jenna leaped toward him angrily. So he quickly ran out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

       "Stupid git," Jenna muttered under her breath before shaking her head and walking toward Sirius on the bed.

       "Are you going to attack me too?" Sirius asked, grinning.

      But Jenna just sighed, sitting down beside him. "Why didn't you tell me you were planning on moving out?"

       Sirius's face became stern once again and he put the magazine away, sitting up straight.

       "I just wanted to wait for the right time to tell you," he explained. "But it never seemed to be right."

       "But why would you even want to leave?" said Jenna, frowning slightly. "I thought you liked it here."

       "I do. I really do." Sirius smiled at her sadly. "But I can't stay here forever, Jenny. This is a point in my life where I have to take care of my own."

       "I just wish you weren't in such a rush."

       "Well, I'm not gonna leave now," he said. "I'll have to look for a flat first over this Christmas break, and I'll officially move out over summer."

       Jenna looked away, a sad expression washed all over her face. Sirius felt an ache in his heart to see her like this, so he went on, saying,

       "There was also another reason I didn't tell you about the moving out thing before..."

       "What?" Jenna said wearily, still not looking up at him.

"Promise not to freak out?"

"Yeah, just say it," she said impatiently.

       "I've been thinking about this for some while now," said Sirius hesitantly. "I wanted to wait until after the school year to tell you this, so you would've already passed seventeen by then and a few months would've passed from our relationship before I wanted to bring it up. And also... I didn't want you to think I'm trying to rush you into anything..."

       "Get to the point, Black," said Jenna with a grin, watching him struggle with words.

      "I — I wanted to ask you to move in with me."

Potter | 𝘚𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘶𝘴 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin