Chapter 101

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"You know, this is not what I expected when you said 'broomstick'," said Jenna hesitantly as Sirius led her to the Quidditch pitch.

"Oh, yeah?" Sirius grinned mischievously. "Then what did you expect, Crookshanks?"

"Dunno," she shrugged. "Thought you meant it as a metaphor for something else..."

"Wait, wait, wait," said Sirius briskly, taking a hold of Jenna's arm and pulling her back. "So you thought by broomstick I meant something else?"

Jenna gaped at him awkwardly for a few moments. "Yeah..."

Sirius's grin widened. "So you agreed to come here with me even though you thought I was referring to that? Oh, Jenny... Don't tell me you wanted to do it—"

      "No!" said Jenna quickly, cutting him off. Her eyes widened in horror, her hair turning silver in shock and then to pink from embarrassment. "O-of course not!"

"Well, your hair color is talking for itself."

Jenna jerked her arm away from him with a glare, trying to focus and to turn her hair back to blue. "Let's get this over with, shall we?"

"Sure." He smirked, going toward the broom closet inside the changing rooms and taking two school broomsticks with him back to the field.

"What is it that you wanted to do?" she asked, taking one of the brooms from him.

"I always wanted to try something... never got the chance, though..."


"This," said Sirius.

And so with that, he hesitantly started to put his feet on the broom which was floating in the air a feet from the ground, as if it were a surf board.

"C'mon, Jenny. It'll be fun. Or are you too scared?"

Feeling provoked, Jenna gritted her teeth together and made the broom float at her knee length.

She then started to take off her socks and shoes to help with her balance and slightly rolled up her pants, despite the cold weather.

Sirius was still struggling to keep his balance while Jenna started getting up on the broom, placing both her feet on the wooden end and standing up on it.

"Ready for a race, Kitten?" said Sirius with a grin.

"Ready as always, Padfoot." Jenna winked at him, trying to act tough, even though she was sure she was going to fall off any moment now.

"Alright then. On the count of three. One... t — OI! CHEATER!" Sirius shouted as Jenna had already leaned her body forward, causing the broom to fly on.

With that, Sirius too leaned on and his broom started flying after her. But not ten seconds later, Jenna fell off her broom with a yelp.

Sirius started laughing at her, but being distracted, he too fell off hard to the ground, yelling.

There was a few moments of silence before the both of them looked up at each other and burst into laughter.


As the week went by, Sirius went back to his old self and joked around, although he would still grimace and turn around each time he saw Filch.

But other than that and eventual jokes from James, everything seemed to have gone back to normal.

     Although things took a turn for the worse as Jenna's next Occlumency lesson with Dumbledore had arrived.

As always, Jenna had told her friends that she would be spending time with Sirius, and had told him that she would spend the day with Lily, Alice, and Marlene.

That day, the four boys were in their dormitory, each busy on their own, that Sirius suddenly noticed that James was sneaking off out of the room.

"Oi! Where are you going, Prongs?" Sirius asked, causing James to come to a halt by the door.

"To meet Lily," he said. "We asked McGonagall to give us an additional essay for extra points."

"Extra points!?" Sirius repeated. "For what!? You're both top on all the classes already!"

"Leave the poor man be, Padfoot," said Remus, not bothering to even raise his head from his book as he laid on the bed. "Let him enjoy his little extra projects with her as a reward. He's finally got to call her by her first name, for crying out loud! That's great progress!"

"Haha," said James flatly and glared at Remus while Peter sniggered. "Don't sass your way through the conversation, Moony."

"He can't help it, Prongs," said Sirius, grinning at Remus. "It's a habit by now. Moony's the master of sass."

They all laughed and James finally waved them goodbye, leaving the dormitory.

      But Sirius came to a stop, frowning as he remembered how Jenna had told him she would be spending the day with Lily.

Finding the situation curious, he went by James's trunk and took out the Marauders Map. He then pointed his wand at it, muttering, "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good."

"What are you doing?" asked Remus while Sirius waited for the words to appear on the blank piece of parchment.

"Just wanna check something," he said casually, his eyes wondering around the Map, trying to look for her.

But the shocking part was, Sirius realized that Jenna's name was nowhere to be found.


In the next few weeks, Sirius kept a close eye on Jenna and noticed that she kept disappearing on Fridays.

He tried to casually ask her about it, but each time she answered by saying that she wanted to hang out with her friends.

At first Sirius thought that she was sneaking off to Hogsmeade, but finally came to realize that her name never showed up on the Map, even when she was in the common room.

His mind racing and in need of answers, one Friday he stayed behind in the common room as everyone returned to their dorms, waiting for Jenna.

At last, the portrait swung open and Jenna walked inside the common room, but she came to a halt when she spotted Sirius, sitting on an armchair and giving her a look.

Gulping, she walked forward, trying to act normal. "Hey," she waved lightly, sitting on the chair next to him.

"We need to talk," said Sirius tonelessly, his eyes piercing into hers as if trying to read her mind.

"What is it?" Jenna asked, trying to sound oblivious.

"Where have you been, Jenna?" he questioned, but before she could open her mouth to reply, he quickly said, "and don't tell me you've been with your friends."

"I had just gone for a stroll," she said, shrugging.

"Oh, yeah?" Sirius raised a brow at her and Jenna's heart sank when he took out the Marauder's Map. "Then can you tell me how come your name doesn't show up on the map?"

Jenna swallowed hard, trying to come up with a quick excuse. "Dunno... maybe the Map's lying."

"The Map never lies."

Jenna sighed, looking away, knowing that she couldn't keep it a secret from him any longer.

"Well, if you don't answer, then you will leave me no choice than to have my own guess," said Sirius firmly.

"Which is?" Jenna raised a brow at him.

"That you're meeting up with someone else," he said. "Be honest. Are you cheating on me?"

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