Chapter 134

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It was the hardest ever yet to pack this time for the seventh years, knowing that there was no returning back to Hogwarts after this year.

When it was time for them to finally leave and board the train back to King's Cross station, the seventh years were asked to go by the Black Lake for their traditional graduation ceremony, where they went back to the train by the same boats that got them to Hogwarts on their first year.

So Jenna got into one of the boats along with Lily, Marlene, and Alice, floating across the beautiful lake as the sun glimmered its reflection upon it.

Just like their first year, Hagrid was sat on a singular boat at the front of them all, leading the way as the boats magically floated onward.

Jenna turned to looked over her shoulder for a last glimpse at Hogwarts, a sad smile being planted on her lips. If by now she didn't have her Metamorphic abilities under control, she was sure that her hair would turn silver in sadness.

As she glanced back at the magnificent castle, she thought back at all the memories she had there throughout those seven years.

She remembered the first time she had met Sirius on the train and how he had tried to kiss her knuckle smoothly, only to be yelled at by both James and Jenna.

She remembered how she bad met Remus when she'd saved him from falling into the lake as he was trying to get on one of the boats, and then offered her some chocolate as a thank you.

Jenna was reminded of her first night as a Gryffindor and how her and Marlene had a fight about who was going to get the bed by the window, which Jenna won.

Throughout all their first year, James and Jenna were set more detentions than the whole students put together, seeing as they always wandered around the castle at night to discover its secret passageways or were chased away from the Forbidden Forest by Hagrid.

Although by the time their second year arrived, they had made different friends and so went their separate ways for some while; James getting himself into more mischief with his friends while Jenna was being kept at bay under Lily's watch.

"I'm not sure if I can say goodbye to this place," Lily said with a sad smile as they were midway through the lake.

"Can you imagine many years from now our kids would be attending this school?" Alice asked in her dreamy voice, glancing back at Hogwarts with a smile.

"Ooh, yes! I can see it from now! Frank and Alice Longbottom, Lily and James Potter, Sirius and Jenna Black!" said Marlene excitedly, clapping her hands together in glee. "I can already hear wedding bells!"

"Who said I'm going to end up marrying James?" Lily raised a brow at her.

"Yeah! And who said I'm going to take Sirius's name?" Jenna protested with a grin. "I'm gonna force him take mine."

But Alice had another subject in mind to talk about.

"And what about yourself, Mar?" Alice asked softly, but there was a hint of knowingness in her voice.

"I — what about me?" Marlene mumbled, looking away as she went slightly pink on the face.

"Is there any guy you see yourself with twenty years from now?" Alice mused. "Or rather... any person?"

Lily and Jenna turned to look sideways at each other in confusion as Marlene went even more red, if that was even possible.

"I — well — oh, all right!" Marlene finally huffed in defeat. "I just — I don't think I — I've never really pictured myself with a guy, if I'm being honest... if you know what I mean..."

And then it hit Jenna. All those boys that Marlene had turned down throughout the years there... it all made sense now.

"Then why didn't you tell us anything sooner?" Lily asked with a gentle smile. "You know we would've supported you, Mar."

"Guess I wasn't sure myself," Marlene said in a small voice, shrugging lightly.

"Well, do you have anyone specific in mind?" Jenna asked her with a mischievous smile. "I'm sure we can set you up." She then winked at her.

"No, not yet," said Marlene earnestly, looking slightly disappointed.

"Well, I'm sure any girl would be lucky to have you, Mar," said Lily kindly.

"And not to mention slightly crazy," Jenna added, only to earn a punch on the arm by Marlene, making them all laugh.

Before they knew it, they came to the end of the lake and boarded the Hogwarts Express for the last time, going back to King's Cross station.

This time, their goodbye took longer than ever, even though they knew they were going to see each other soon. With that, they all departed to meet their parents.

Sirius was going to join the Potters for dinner that night, so he walked out of the station along with the family as they carried their trunks away.

"Nervous?" Jenna asked him quietly as they walked alongside each other.

"About what?" Sirius asked with a confused frown.

"Telling my parents that I'm moving in with you."

Sirius paused. "Well now I'm nervous."

Jenna chuckled. "Mum would be fine with it, I'm sure of it. The problem is Dad and James. It's them we have to persuade."

Although her prediction was proven wrong that night as they sat around the dinner table at the Potter household.

Every once in a while, Sirius and Jenna would turn to glance sideways at each other, not sure when was the right time to announce their decision.

But at last, knowing that it was now or never, Jenna finally cleared her throat, getting their attention. "I — I wanted to tell you guys something."

Fleamont turned to look between her and Sirius sharply with a suspicious raised brow. "You're not pregnant, are you?"

"What? No!"

"Oh, thank Merlin." Mr. Potter sighed in relief.

"I was actually thinking of moving in with Sirius," Jenna finally blurted out.

By that, a deadly silence fell among them as Fleamont, Euphemia, and James turned to stare at her with wide eyes.

"Excuse me?" Mr. Potter blinked at her.

"You can't tell her anything, Fleamont," said Mrs. Potter, meanwhile James remained quiet, still in shock. "She's of age, and she's out of school."

"I didn't say anything." Mr. Potter raised his hands up defensively. "But I do think we should take votes. Those is favor that they don't move in together because they're still too young?"

But then, Mr. Potter was the only one who had raised his hand.

He turned his gaze on James, who was still suspiciously quiet and hadn't raised his hand. Mr. Potter gave him a questioning look.

"W-well, I think they can decide this on their own, really," James said in a small voice, looking down to avoid his father's eyes.

"What?" They all exclaimed at the same time in surprise.

"What are you talking about, James?" Mr. Potter asked him, slightly worried for his son's well-being. "How come you're all mature about these stuff?"

James paused for a little while until he finally said, "I was actually thinking about asking Lily to marry me."

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