Chapter 142

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Everyone soon went home one by one, but Lily stayed at the Potters' house just like she had been for the past days. Jenna wondered when James was actually going to propose to her, which made her excited each time she thought about it.

The next morning, however, quite the mayhem fell upon Sirius and Jenna's little flat, mainly because Jenna was in a worse mood than Sirius had ever seen her in, and the reason behind it was unknown to him.

Just like always, Jenna had woken up that day with Sirius on her side and his arms tightly around her. But unlike the other mornings when Jenna had learned to ignore this and even sometimes enjoy it, today she had had enough.

So gritting her teeth together, she got out of bed, crawled behind Sirius and with a quick jerk of her feet, she kicked him off the bed.

"AAARGH!" Sirius shrieked as he landed roughly on the ground, hoisting himself up only to glare at her. "What the hell was that for!?"

"For taking all the space!" Jenna yelled back, her glare even deadlier than his. "And not to mention you suffocate me every night! I can barely breathe at nights, the way you grip me!"

Sirius opened his mouth to retort as he got to his feet, but before he could, Jenna had grumpily got back to bed and laid in the center, pulling the blankets on top of her head.

   "Woah, what's with the attitude!?"

"Don't talk to me!" she called back from under the sheets in a muffled tone. "I just wanna crawl up in a hole and cry!"

"Fine, then I'll just leave you to it," Sirius mumbled angrily before getting ready quickly and leaving the flat.

But then Jenna became even angrier when she heard him Dissaparate outside the house. So she just got up, not even bothering to take a shower as she went straight to the kitchen, eating whatever there was to eat.

After two hours or three — which felt like ages to Jenna — Sirius came back home, looking slightly guilty, or rather awkward and uncomfortable.

"Hey, Jenny," he whispered as he walked into their bedroom, seeing Jenna back in the bed.

She didn't answer him, so Sirius went on.

"Er... listen..." He cleared his throat, walking toward the bed hesitantly. "I had a little chat with James... and, well... he reckons this is all normal... but I wouldn't really know..."

Jenna glanced back at Sirius, watching him struggle with words as if it was the hardest thing he could do.

"But things got real uncomfortable when your mother swept in... had a long chat with James and I, saying that it's important to understand a few things now that we're both in an important relationship with a girl... so... er... I bought you some chocolate."

Jenna held back a snort when Sirius pulled out a little box of chocolate awkwardly, handing it to her as he sat on the edge of the bed. But he was still avoiding her eyes now, going slightly red in the face.

Jenna smiled to herself and sat up, leaning against the headboard, shaking her head. "You amaze me, Black. You really do."

"Why?" Sirius raised a brow at her and she chuckled.

"Because I can't believe that the leather-jacket-wearing, motorcycle-riding, badass-boy who fights off Death Eaters, is actually scared of girl problems and gets uncomfortable the moment it's mentioned."

        "I — well —"

        "But you actually care enough to talk to my mum about it and buy me chocolates, despite everything..." She smiled, leaning forward to peck him on the lips. "And I love you for that."


The next Order meeting happened a few days later and they were called to the Headquarters once more.

More news of deaths, tortures, and disappearances was announced at the meeting before it had reached the Daily Prophet, raising a rush of fear and anxiety and terror among them all.

The Ministry of Magic apparently had no idea what to do. They tried to keep everything hidden from Muggles, but the trouble was that Muggles were being murdered as well.

Many had panicked and escaped the country, but there was no escaping Lord Voldemort once he wanted someone dead.

They knew that it didn't matter even if you didn't want to pick a side; when it came to Voldemort, you were either fighting for him, or against him.

Dumbledore had a few things planned out, giving each member of the Order missions, until he finally turned to the youngsters.

"I've got a job for you as well," he said. James and Sirius were now sitting at the edge of their seats. "It only requires two of you. I want you to follow Rosier and Rockwood tonight. We're still not sure whether they're on their side or not, and that's why I want to make sure."

"I'll do it!" Sirius and James said at the same time the exact moment Dumbledore had stopped talking.

"Very well." Dumbledore nodded. "My sources have told me that they're off to Knockturn Alley tonight, after midnight. I don't want you to get close to them. Don't pick a duel. Just observe what they are doing and figure what they're up to from afar and report back to me."

"Yes, sir," said James and Sirius nodded firmly.


Lily and Jenna went back to Mr. and Mrs. Potter's house after the meeting along with James and Sirius. The boys still had three hours left before they had to leave for their first mission.

But the moment they stepped out of the door, the anxiety filled Jenna and Lily's mind. They sat in silence, neither of them saying anything as they stared ahead.

Fleamont was sent on a separate mission that night too, leaving all the three women alone in the dead silence of the house.

Jenna's state was worse than any of them all, for she had to worry about her father, brother, and the boy she loved.

Each moment that passed for them felt like a life time and the sound of the ticking clock was like torture to them.

But all three of them jumped to their feet when suddenly they heard a crash outside, knowing that someone had just Apparated.

So they immediately ran out of the house, gasping when from afar they saw two figures walking forward, one of them being supported by the other, blood dripping down his face and barely conscious.

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