Chapter 114

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It was September first; the last time they were going to board the Hogwarts express for a new year at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

In the morning, the Potter manor was deep in silence. James and Jenna had woken up earlier than ever as they'd already planned.

The twins tiptoed into their parents bedroom, and at last, with one approving nod at each other, they threw a set of Dungbombs into their room like they had in their first year, and immaculate ran downstairs.

Not three seconds later a loud boom erupted the place and their mother's shrieks followed after them as they laughed.

       "For the hundredth time! NO PRANKING INSIDE THE HOUSE!"

       When the twins finally got to the kitchen, they broke down into laughter, fist-bumping each other as they said in sync, "Good one, J.P."

      When Sirius arrived at their doorstep with his trunk all ready so they could all go together, he glanced at Mrs. Potter questioningly, who looked to be in a foul mood.

      "What did you two do again?" Sirius asked James and Jenna after they were done with breakfast and carried their trunks into the yard.

       "We were just trying to bring back old memories," said James with a grin, receiving a glare from Mrs. Potter as she walked toward them in the yard.

       "God bless whoever ends up with these two idiots," said Mrs. Potter mostly to herself, waiting for her husband to show up as well.

      When they finally got to King's Cross station, the three Gryffindors carried their trunks inside the train before getting out again to bid Mr. and Mrs. Potter goodbye.

       "I can't believe it's been seven years," said Fleamont in a hollow voice.

        "It's okay to cry, Dad," said Jenna, patting him on the arm.

       "I'm not crying."

       "Yeah, Dad," James nodded, "don't be shy. Let the tears flow."

      "Oh, shut up, you two," said Mr. Potter, rolling his eyes at his kids.

       "Oh, you've grown up so fast," said Mrs. Potter, going to hug each three of them, overwhelmed with emotions. "Try not to cause too much trouble, will you?"

       "Who, us?" Sirius scoffed. "We never get into trouble."

       Mrs. Potter chuckled before turning to James with a disappointing look, saying, "Can't you just make your hair a little neater now that you're Head Boy?"

       "Nah, I like it this way," said James with a grin, running his hand through his jet-black hair and ruffling it up, making it even messier.

     "Ironic how Fleamont invented the Sleekeazy's hair potion but his own son's hair has never been neat for as long as I can remember it." Mrs. Potter shook her head at him with a sigh. "Now go on, you three. You don't want to miss the train."

      "Goodbye," said Jenna, waving at the two along with Sirius and James as they finally got into the train.

       "Okay," said James, rubbing his hands together. "I better go to the prefects' compartment. There are a lot of kids I need to put straight. See you two later."

       And so with one last wink at their direction, James left their side and walked down the train's corridor.

      "Do you mind if Wormtail and I joined you guys?" Sirius asked Jenna. "I mean, Lily and Moony aren't gonna be with us, anyway. It will be only five of us."

      "Yeah, sure." Jenna nodded. "Let's go find Alice and Marlene. Hopefully we'll find Peter along the way."

So with that, Sirius and Jenna walked toward the other end of the train, throwing quick glances inside the compartments to see if they could find their friends.

But as Jenna walked on, she realized that Sirius had stopped in his tracks by a compartment, glaring inside.

"Sirius, what are you doing!?" She quickly ran toward him and took him by the arm, dragging him away.

"Didn't you see who was inside?" Sirius said through gritted teeth as she dragged him along.

"A bunch of Slytherins?"

"Yes," Sirius nodded angrily. "Snivellus and Avery and Mulciber!"

"So? Don't you fight with them enough at school already? Do you want to start one with them now as well?"

"Didn't you see who else was sitting with them?" said Sirius, ignoring her question.

"No, who?"


Jenna let him go at those words, but said nothing. So Sirius went on and said,

"Those three are fascinated with the Dark Arts, Jenna," he said in a quiet voice as they walked on. "It doesn't take a genius to know they are dying to become Death Eaters — that's if they haven't become one already!"

"So? That doesn't mean Regulus is one of them," Jenna tried to reason. "They could just be — you know — friends?"

"Regulus has always been a loner, he didn't have any friends!" Sirius said, trying to hide the worry in his voice. "What if — well — you don't think he's become one of them, do you?"

"A Death Eater? At sixteen?" Jenna raised a brow at him and then shook her head. "I doubt that — Oh, look! Is that Marlene's little brother?"

And sure enough, they saw a little boy in his new Hogwarts robes, standing by an open compartment in the distance, talking to someone inside.

"Hello, Marvin!" Jenna waved at the boy, getting his attention.

"Hey, Kiddo," said Sirius with a smile as they reached him.

"Hullo." Marvin smiled at them shyly.

When Sirius and Jenna looked inside the compartment which he was standing by, they saw Alice and Marlene inside.

"For the hundredth time," Marlene started tiresomely, facing her brother, "you can't sit with us! Go find new friends!"

"But how can I know who's my age?" Marvin asked anxiously.

"Hmm... stick your tongue out," Marlene said. Marvin looked confused at first, but then obeyed. So with that his sister suddenly said, "Oh, so you do have a tongue! So you can speak with people and ask them!"

"Don't be so mean, Mar," Alice scolded before turning to face the little boy with a warm smile. "You can sit with us if you like, Marvin."

"Th-thank you," the boy said sheepishly, blushing as he walked into the compartment and took the seat next to Alice.

Marlene folded her arms grumpily and looked out of the window. "Fine. Love him more than me. I don't care."

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