Chapter 151

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"Professor Dumbledore!?" Jenna gasped lightly, taking a step back in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

      "Well, I was actually invited to the wedding. Most unfortunate that I couldn't make it in time." Dumbledore sighed regretfully. "But I'm here to talk."

     "Is something wrong?" Jenna asked him anxiously.

     "No, nothing's wrong. But I was actually hoping to have a word with you in private, Miss Potter," said Dumbledore, causing Jenna's stomach to lurch at those words.

       "Y-yes, of course." Jenna nodded hesitantly, wearing her shoes which she was carrying in her hand.

      "My apologies, Mr. Black," Dumbledore gave Sirius a sad smile.

      Sirius shook a hand at Dumbledore reassuringly, even though he seemed rather irritated because of the interruption.

      "To be continued?" Jenna whispered with a grin at Sirius, who returned the smile. Although it dropped the moment Jenna turned on her heels and followed Dumbledore away.

      Sirius huffed, pocketing the Snitch again and sitting down on the grass and leaning against the willow tree's trunk grimly as he waited for her.

     Jenna walked across the yard alongside Dumbledore, who had his hands laced behind his back.

      "I wanted to talk to you about your mission," said Dumbledore.

Jenna's heart sank at the thought. Was he going to ask her to leave right now? But she hadn't said goodbye to her parents. What about James and Sirius...

      "I think I've found the right person to impersonate," said Dumbledore. "Throughout the last two years, I've had people from the Order following the Death Eaters around and report back to me, so I could know who was close enough to Lord Voldemort; who was in his inner circle. Until I found the perfect spot for you."

     "And — and who is that person, sir?" Jenna asked hesitantly.

     "Alecto Carrow."

      Jenna gaped at him in surprise. "I'm sorry, but — I don't know him, sir."

      "The person is a she, actually. She's a witch and I have proof that she is a Death Eater, and maybe not Voldemort's closest follower, but I strongly believe that she's in his inner circle."

       Before Jenna could ask Dumbledore anything else, he then dug into his robe's pocket and took out a paper, handing it to Jenna.

      She took it and stared down at it. It was a wanted poster of Alecto Carrow. She was a witch with a grim looking face. It made Jenna shiver as she thought about taking her feature.

      "Where is she now, sir?" Jenna asked, her eyes still focused on the moving picture. "Do you have her captured? Because I don't think our plan will work if I was impersonating her and she bursts in the room."

      "No, not yet." Dumbledore shook his head. "But as soon as I succeed in capturing her, you'll be able to start the mission right away. I'll have to keep her captive for as long as you're going to be undercover."

      "But how?"

      "We'll get to that later," said Dumbledore. "For now, I want you to focus on that picture. Observe the face. Every single detail. It's crucial."

"And as for her personality?" Jenna mused. "We can't risk people becoming suspicious because of my behavior."

"Again, we shall discuss that matter later on. I don't know how long it will be until we capture Alecto Carrow. Lord Voldemort has a close watch on each and every one of his Death Eaters. That's why there's not many of them captured in Azkaban."

Jenna merely nodded, rolled up the picture. and held it firmly in her hand. "I'll do my best, sir."

"As I know you would." Dumbledore smiled. "Have a good night." And with that, he Disapparated.

Sighing to herself with the paper still clutched in her grasp, Jenna made her way back to where Sirius was sitting by the tree trunk in the distance.

"Everything okay, Jenny?" Sirius asked when she reached him.

Jenna only nodded, but couldn't get herself to speak.

"What did he want?" said Sirius, looking bitter as he was still sitting down.

"Nothing," Jenna muttered, sighing.

"So that's it? You're never going to tell me what's going on around you?" Sirius asked flatly, looking away from her.

"Sirius, you know I can't tell anyone about it. Dumbledore asked me —"

"He asked you not to tell anyone. Yeah, you've said it a hundred times," he said blankly, getting up to his feet. But Jenna's heart sank when finally he turned to her and said, "Don't you trust me?"

"I — what —?"

"Do you trust me?"

Jenna stared at him. "Sirius, it's not about trust. It's —"

"It's what, Jenna?" he said sharply. "What is it that you can't even tell me about it? I have the right to know!"

"The right to know?" Jenna repeated with a scoff, folding her arms. "Sirius, you don't own me. I don't have to tell you anything just because you're my boyfriend."

"It's not that I think I own you, Jenna! It's because I'm worried about you!"

"I'm not your damsel in distress, Sirius! I'm capable of taking care of myself!"

"Oh, yeah? And where would you have been right now if I hadn't saved your arse from those Death Eaters that night!? Oh, that's right! You'd probably be dead!"

Jenna glared at him, doing everything in her power to keep her hair from turning red in fury.

"What's this thing that Dumbledore has asked you to do?" Sirius asked again, but Jenna still said nothing. So he just shook his head in frustration. "You're obviously putting yourself in a lot of danger! You can't do this! Whatever it is, it's going to get you killed, and I will not let you do this! I can't lose you!"

"Okay, let me get one thing clear," Jenna started in a quiet tone, taking a step toward him, "If I choose to do this mission, that's my choice! If I die in the process, that's on me! You can't tell me what to do or what not to do!"

"Fine then!" Sirius shouted. "Go get yourself killed if you're so eager! You want me out of your way, I'll get out of your way!"

"Well if it bothers you that much then maybe you should just leave and get out of my life!" Jenna yelled at him hoarsely, her hair turning red.

Sirius's face fell as he stared at her, a deadly silence filling the space between them.

"Fine," Sirius muttered, his eyes fixed on her. "You want me out of your life, I get out of your life." And then, before Jenna could say anything else, he turned on his heels and Dissaparated.

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