Chapter 17

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Harry- I step into my door noticing everything is the same, I put my wards up seeing as they have been knocked down since my whole looking my self up thing, I am aloud back in here but go for weekly check ups with Snape. I go over to my bed pulling my mattress up and grabbing my book sitting down and reading for a while on mind magic.

I stay there for a while until I hear a knock on the door. I hid my book before getting up and going over, opening it up to reveal Malfoy standing right there in front of my bedroom door "yes?" I asked wondering what is he going to do or say.

Draco- "my family have invited you and your family for the holidays, one because we know that my mothers cousin is innocent and my mother wants to spend time with him and his little wolf and my parents want someone over my age that I could get to know and spend time with because I might seem like I have alot of friends here but I don't really spend much time with anyone others than parents when during the holidays"

Harry- I nod "I do appreciate it thank you, I will sent a message to my godfather and Remus and get back to you about it"

Draco- I not "thank you" I turn before I feel a hand on my wrist. I turn looking down at his hand on mine and then back at him.

Harry- "would you, ermm like to ermm, spend some time together and get to know each other, I don't really have friends, I didn't in the muggle world either and I would like to know what having a friend feels like and of course I want to be friends with you but not good in the area but you can show me the way"

Draco- I smile noddinf my head "yeah I would like to"

Harry- I smile stepping aside "then please come on in"


Harry- lately both of us have been spending time together more in the common room or our dorm rooms but I felt like adventuring outside and get some fresh air because the only times I have been out there was when burying Hela and of course leaving to go to the Dursley's. We go over sitting down in front of the tree chatting along with Greengrass, Tracey, Knott and Zabini who joined us who are also Draco's friends too but unfortunately we where interrupted by a certain red head and two others, sitting down in front of us "yeah I can't wait to see what happens this summer"

Draco- "yeah me too, I can't wait to see my parents"

Harry- "I can't wait to do some reading instead of these books at Hogwarts because they can only tell you much"

Draco- I smile "yeah sounds interesting, I can't wait to work more on my potions skills, I want to be brilliant for next year"

Harry- I hum "yeah good idea, I might work on mine to and other things too but of course focus on my homework, need to get that all done and perfect"

Seamus- "hello can't you see us right here?"

Daphne- "do you know what I can't wait to do is spend time with mother and sister she is starting when we start our third year, so I will get to spend more time with her but I can't wait for the cute little picnics, horse riding and everything really, of course I am going to spend time with father but most of the time he has work with working with the CEO indrustress of our own company which I wish to take on some day"

Ron- "my father works for the Ministry which is pretty cool"

Blaise- "I can't wait to go to Italy with my mother to see my cousin I haven't seen them for a while three year to be exact but it feel way longer than that, I will be working with them helping with making the wines, whisky, champagne and everything really, haven't done that in a while sometimes I even get a taste test with the wines of course the whiskey taste testing is fourteen and above but of course not too much just a little sip"

Harry- I smile "that sounds awesome, I have tried wine before I like the red wine, what about you"

Blaise- "I practically most wines especially the expensive once there alot more lovelier taste to them"

Harry- I hum "nice, yeah I have only tried the cheap one that my aunt got for only one hundred pounds as a treat for when she had her friends around for her birthday"

Blaise- "one hundred pounds one are that bad really"

Seamus- "why are you ignoring us"

Harry- I fake a surprise jump looking around where they are making it seem like I can't see them "did you hear something, because I swore I heard a mouse of some sort"

Ron- "oh come on that's not fair"

Draco- "no I get what you mean, I can hear it but it's something to not be bothered by just ignore it"

Harry- I hum "well at least we have two weeks left until summer, it will sure feel long but in the end atleast we will be free and away from here"

Theo- "true"

Ron- we just huff and got up "I can't believe you fucking do this you immature bastard"

Harry- I snort "well I think someone is upset and for a fact your the one being immature, now don't worry little Weasle, rush along"

Ron- I turn and storm off

Draco- I sigh falling backwards onto my back dramatically "finally they are gone"



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