Chapter 45

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Harry- I walk into the office seeing the pink lady as I go and sit down with Severus

Umbridge- I smile "ahh Mr Potter it's good to see you back, as I know that you will be going back to see your baby girl each weekend which I accept for it to happen and for your lesson with you been lately doing it home then you can easily go back into lesson"

Harry- I smile "thank you Professor Umbridge"

Umbridge- I nod "no problems and if you need me I will either be always here or in the DADA classroom"

Harry- I nod "of course Professor Umbridge"

Umbridge- "now here is you timetable for this year" I hand it over " and now you are free to go seeing as it's just a few minutes until lunch, so you can join the others if you are hungry or feel like it"

Harry- I stand up and say goodbye before leaving the room with Seveurs "hopefully this year will be alright"

Severus- "I believe it will be Harry, yeah not everything will be perfect but in the end everything will turn alright"

Harry- I look at the man "when did you turn into some therapist or spiritual or inspirational speaker person"

Severus- "when I found love"

Harry- "ooh who is it"

Severus- I smirk "you will have to ask your uncle Padfoot and Remus" I say before walking off

Harry- I stand there for a moment before shaking my head and walking off to the Great Hall. Once there I walk through the door noticing everyone stopping as I head over to the Slytherin until heard my name.

Dean- "hey Potter is it true that you had a child"

Harry- I nod before sitting down and hearing whispers going around the room

Blaise- "I am glad you back even though you are not with your baby at the moment but it has been boring around here without you"

Harry- "well I'm glad to be back and baby Lilith is a home with her father and family, being taken care of plus I get to go home at weekends, got permission off Surprisingly Umbridge"

Daphne- "yeah she is a right bitch but has good intentions most of the time, I heard that because she is only having us reading in DADA and not going any spell casting that some of the Gryffindors formed a group and some of the other houses have join and Umbridge really doesn't want this group happening especially with its name being Dumbledore Army, what a fucking mad name at that especially with having an insane leader not surprised they have called it that"

Harry- I smirk "well then I guess we will have to make this group vanish then shall we, now where do you believe this group is practing"

Daphne- I shrug "I don't know but Looney Lovegood came and said to Draco her to tell you to come to her she shall show you the way or something along the line"

Harry- I nod "than I will have to talk to her then, Maximus mention her before when the first time we spoke, she seems like a kind person really but might have a little secret or two there"

Blaise- "well she does say thing most of the time when it doesn't come to her mythical creatures, that in the end what she says ends up coming true"



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