Chapter 22

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Harry- nothing much really happened in Third year really other than Remus getting only half way through the year before everyone found out he was a werewolf but the summer wasn't really that exciting either I stayed at the Manor with Sirius and Remus we all kind of became like family really but still didn't really talk to my aunt or cousin much.

I look up when my name is said, I stand up "I Harry James Potter, did not put my name in the cup or get someone to do it for me, I rather not be in this tournament at all because in the end it is after all life and death and I wish to not die foolishly, so mote it be!"

I then walk past Dumbledore into the room with the other contestants, I turn when he walked in "this is all your fault old fool, it has your name written all over it, I never asked for this or my life at all, so get the fuck out of my business and stop trying to control!"

Dumbledore- "I don't know what you are on about My Boy"

Harry- "yea sure you don't, you fucking did this and you are fucking trying to control me and ruin my life, your the headmaster nothing more or nothing less you have no right to think you have control of me, I am nothing but a student no more or less, so you be the headmaster and get out of my way and my life because you are not going to win this time round like you did with Voldemort and Grindelwald because I am no some puppet for you to play with and I am not you fucking boy, to you I am Mr Potter nothing else, you fucking get it old man"

Dumbledore- I nod "I get it"

Harry- "good" I look to the other before walking out of the room saying "I can't be dealing with this right now!" I then storm to the common room then into my dorm room but someone knock at my door. I open it up seeing the others "what you here to say that I fucking up my name in the cup"

Daphne- I shake my head "no we believe you didn't, a vow is a vow and you made it meaning your words are true, no lie can come into a vow"

Harry- I sigh in relief "oh thank god, aleast you lot believe me"

Draco- I pull him into a hug "of course I do, you are like a little brother to me even if you are more power fuller and smart than me"

Harry- I squeeze him before pull back "and you are a brother to me, you are smart too Draco, smarter than you think it and believe it"

Draco- I smile "thank you"

Harry- "no let's do something fun, what has happened to night I need it with the way it all stressed me"

Blaise- I smirk "how about we make Flint pay"

Harry- I smrik "oh I could do with some stress release"



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