Chapter 42

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Molly- I rush into his office seeing the amazing twinkle in his eyes that I love him for other than the great sex but I have never liked Arthur and Ron and Ginny were never his to begin with but unfortunately he found out about the others before J could get read of them. I slam my hand down with the letter on the desk in front of him "all of our vaults are locked"

Dumbledore- I look at her "that can't be"

Tonk- I rush into the room "my vault is locked too I think all the other people in the order are too"

Dumbledore- I go over to the floo "follow me". When we are Gringotts I go over to the goblin "can we check our Mr Potter account, my accounts and these two lovely ladies here accounts"

Griphook- "sorry but all of those vaults are closed"

Molly- "and about my house, I got a letter saying about me and my family being evicted from there"

Griphook- "well see here, you are the owner of the house and you are living there illegally"

Molly- "but that's not right that is my home"

Griphook- I shake my head "it's not it belongs to someone else"

Molly- "who"

Griphook- "The Prevelles"

Dumbledore- "but all the Prevelles are dead"

Griphook- "not all three of there heirs"

Dumbledore- "what are they!" I say slamming my hand on his desk

Griphook- I put my hand up to stop the guards "if you act like that again they will get you put of here before you can saying the word Quidditch, now as for who the Prevelle are that I am not allowed to say"

Dumbledore- "why can't you"

Griphook- "because it's under stick rules here at Gringotts and we care about our customers"

Dumbledore- "you only care about the money"

Griphook- "we care about the money only because people like you steal from other which is wrong and going against ours and your laws, remember we might be just some bank but we also works with the Ministry, remember that Mr Dumbledore"

Dumbledore- "but I am the leader of the Wizengamot"

Griphook- I shake my head "not anymore Dumbledore, you only have the seat of th Dumbledore family now all the Heirships and Lordships seats that you used before have gone back to every person you took them from either dead or alive"

Dumbledore- I huff "I demand to speak to your leader"

Ragnuk- "I am right here, King of Goblins and owner of this bank and every word Griphook here my son, is all true now get out of my bank before I just not get the guards on you but also the Ministry on you"

Dumbledore- I turn storming our of Gringotts

Molly- I sneer before following him know Tonks is following from behind

Harry- we come out of our hiding place, I burst out laughing "oh my god that was so funny, did you see there faces"

Tom- I smile "yes love, the angry, the shock and everything"



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