Mission Acceptance

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Zork'ak arrived in the Commander's office second, T'chet already standing inside near the window with xer superior. Morej and Azxan entered together within three partitions of Zork'ak. The Commander had not provided a reason for the request of xer four Superior Officers in xer office on an unscheduled rotation.

    "Knycuz reported a message arrival four cycles ago." The Commander's talons were clasped behind xem as xe looked out of the window. "It is an invitation from the human's galactic point of contact for a private meeting."

    "A discussion with the humans?" Morej asked. "Was there a mention of the intended topic?"

"Their leader is considering partnering with us as an exploration process."

"They are proposing that we accept a group of humans to live on the base." Zork'ak deduced that T'chet had previously read the message from xer addition. "The terms?"

"They will be outlined during the meeting." The Commander turned from the window. "Report to the board room. The humans expect to negotiate in half a cycle."

The five Klyls departed from the office and walked quietly down the corridor to a meeting area along the opposite side of the base. Within, a long table sat in the middle of the room with the inner wall  that consisted of panels for interplanetary meetings on one side and the outer wall composed of windows on the other. The Commander lowered the window coverings as the Klyls positioned xemselves in xer standard seats. The chairs on the opposite side of the table had been removed.

They sat in silence until the notification of an incoming message appeared on the screen, and the Commander pressed the corresponding area on the table's surface to accept the signal. The panelled wall projected four humans in their own chairs, adjusted to fit the Klyl's table.

"Commander," one of the humans, Leslie, said with an inclination of her head, and the Commander mimicked the motion.


"We are thankful that you were willing to discuss with us our proposal."

The Commander relaxed xer features slightly to look more human, a movement xe had learned from Leslie. "What are your terms of this arrangement?" 

Keith, at the end of the table beside Leslie, let out a quiet noise with his lips upturned at the edge. "You don't ever waste time with pleasantries, do you, Commander? I respect that." He leaned forward. "We have a crew, who are experienced scientists from around the world, that is willing to come to your base and help further your weapons and medical research."

"In exchange for what information?" T'chet did not attempt to mimic the humans' voice patterns.

"A stronger connection between the Klyls and humans, and the discoveries on your planet will help us on Earth."

"We are curious if the conditions and available environmental differences, the zoonotic and botanical aspects, will bring forth breakthroughs that we could not achieve with our resources," Leslie added to Keith's explanation.

"An exchange of advancements in our science for shared information from our planet?" The Commander appeared to approve of this.

"Yes. We need to ensure that our people will be well fed, housed, and cared for. They will be safe and in constant contact with us. More than anything," Keith leaned forward, "we need to know that the Klyls are our allies and not our enemies."

The Commander looked at xer four Officers and nodded. "We accept these terms."

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