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Zork'ak found Adam walking the empty corridors after xe had finished working on xer reports and paperwork xe had fallen behind on.

"Adam?" Xe walked up to him where he had slowly been making his way towards the laboratories.

He jumped slightly. "Geez, Zor. Don't sneak up on people."

Zork'ak knew that xer talons clicked against the corridor floor when xe walked. "I apologize for startling you. Most of us have retired to our quarters by this cycle."

"I know. That's why I like walking around at this time. It's so quiet."

"Were you going to the laboratory to finish some of your work?"

They had reached the room by this point.

"No, sometimes I like to go up to the roof when everyone's asleep. Would you like to join?"

Zork'ak knew xe were already behind on xer schedule, and xe truly needed the restorative process for xer body. Despite this knowledge, xe nodded, following Adam up onto the roof. He laid back on the rough material, staring at the atmosphere wrapped around the planet. The sun was shining on the other side, so Adam and Zork'ak were currently in the absence of light.

"I like the night. There's something about being in the dark that really reveals yourself, you know?" Zork'ak didn't actually know, but xe continued to listen. "I love looking up at the stars."

"Most of those are actually moons and neighboring planets."

"Yeah, yeah. Zor, I know. I like looking, though. There's so much out there and I'm so small."

"Well, yes. You are small. Is this a new revelation?"

Adam kept staring up at the other planets. "No. Sometimes humans just think that we are so superior or smart or something. I grew up and worked with so many self-centered people. And being up here just reinforces that feeling that we are barely anything. We are so small, have done so little in the grand scheme of things." Adam's voice was so calm.

"Yes, I suppose so."

"I'm sorry. Am I keeping you up?"

"I have already disrupted my restorative cycle. It will not cause more harm by waiting to begin the process. Why are you not in your quarters?"

"I am a severe insomniac."

"What condition is this?" Zork'ak turned xer grey eyes to look at Adam's silhouette. His nose sloped upwards gently, his full lips parted slightly. Zork'ak thought about xer own lips, slender and a lighter shade of blue than xer skin. The same shade of Wren's eyes. Xe stopped xer thoughts there.

"It means I have trouble sleeping. It's a disruption of a chemical in my brain. I don't like laying in my bed so I get up and walk around. It's nice to just have a solitary walk, think."

"Do you not have treatment for it?"

He shrugged. "There is, but it makes me feel so tired the next day. I've grown used to having so little sleep. Kai is trying to develop something for me even though I keep telling her not to."

"Does this not have effects on your focus and reflexes?"

"Eh. Some people it does. For me, though, I've gotten used to it. Three hours are good enough. Some insomniacs just feel endlessly tired and out of focused, sleeping whenever they can."

"But you are well?"

"Yeah. I like having a few extra hours. My body's adapted."

Zork'ak found that xe did not wish to further investigate this illness if it did not harm any of xer humans. Xe almost laughed. 'Xer' humans. How interesting this group was. Xe looked back up at the atmosphere. There was a calm silence between the two, a nice companionship.



"Why is it you haven't told Steve you care for him?"

"Because I don't know if Steve is gay. And I don't want to ruin things. Our group is so nice and I don't want to make it awkward for everyone. So it's easier for me to swallow my feelings than face those possibilities."

"I understand."

"Is that how you feel about Wren?"

"Yes. I still do not quite understand emotions. But I know you are all here for research purposes for an indefinite amount of time. I don't expect any of you to grow attached to Klyls, especially not me."

"We are attached to you, Zor. We care about you more than some of the people we came here with."

"Still." Zork'ak looked at xer talons, xer scales, xer spiked tail. Xe lacked the beautiful hair they had. Xer face was the only thing mildly human, with a soft nose and thin mouth and carefully pointed ears.

"I understand." Adam reached over to take the tip of Zork'ak's extremity in his hand, unafraid of the five talons wrapped around his skin.

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