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"Okay, I'm going to check on her," Jessica said after she finished her meal.

"Let her sleep, Jess." Adam stood up. "I need your help anyway."

"She should be awake by now."

"You know that medicine knocks her out."

Jessica pressed her lips in a thin line. "Still."

Adam looked at Zork'ak, and his eyebrows raised just slightly. "Let Zork'ak bring her some food."

Jessica looked between Adam and Zork'ak. "You've really turned into such a delivery boy." She winked at xem.

"That is a fair assessment of what I have been doing."

"Then grab her a bowl and go check on her," Adam cut in.

Jessica climbed across the bench and to her feet. "She's probably still asleep so you'll need to punch in the code to her room." Xe nodded, knowing where to retrieve the code within the Klyl security database. "Check her breathing to make sure her heart isn't going too fast." Adam walked around to her, and the two linked arms, marching out of the room. Well, Adam marched and dragged Jessica behind him.

Zork'ak lightly tapped on the door to be sure that Wren was asleep before activating the keypad to type in the code. The door slid open, and Zork'ak had to pause to allow xer eyes to adjust. Xe set down the bowl on the table next to the door and slowly crept across the room, trying to be careful not to trip. Xe did stumble a few times, but the noise did not wake Wren.

Wren was curled up on her side, Kohev pressed against the space along her abdomen, bordered by her bent lower extremities and her chest. Zork'ak peered over her body in attempt to see her chest rise but noticed a small noise she was making, one that xe had not heard before. It was similar to a harsh intake of breath and a quieter but still audible exhale. It wasn't loud, but xe was concerned about her condition.

Zork'ak stood debating, watching as her chest rose and fell at a steady rate but the noise persisted. Finally, xe caved, carefully touching her upper extremity. She moved a touch, but her eyelids did not open.

Xe moved her extremity again slightly. "Wren," xe whispered. Her eyelids fluttered, but still she did not wake. The noIse had paused, though. Xe removed xer talons from her extremity, waiting to see if the problem has resolved itself. Unfortunately, the noise began again, still soft, though.

Zork'ak crouched to be level with the bed. "Wren," xe whispered a touch louder. This time she responded with a quiet grunt. "Wren," xe touched her again, and her eyes creaked open.

She rolled over, her blue eyes peeking up from under her still dropping eyelids. Her hair was a mess, falling in different directions. She reached down, pulling the fabric up over her body, and Kohev stood up from his lost space, moving to the end of the bed to lay down.


She attempted to open her eyes all the way. "Zor?"

"Hey." Xe grinned. "I wanted to see if you were feeling well."

A soft smile danced on her lips. "Better. Thank you."

"I brought you meal. Would you like it?"

"In a minute. I need to wake up a little more."

Zork'ak wondered how she could still be waking up. She was no longer asleep, therefore, she was awake. Xe watched as she blinked slowly and could see how she was shifting between the two states, a feeling that was foreign to Zork'ak.


"Hmm?" She forced her eyes open to reveal those pretty blue eyes that were so similar to Zork'ak's skin.

"You were making a noise. Is your body okay?"

"A noise?" The sleepiness was fading from her eyes, her gaze brightening.

"Yeah. It was like," Zork'ak mimicked the noise.

She pushed up on her elbow. "I was snoring?"


"That's what that noise is. It's a vibration of tissues when you breathe out."

"Oh, then yes. Very quietly though." Zork'ak watched as the blush crept across her cheeks. "Hey." Zork'ak could not help touching her face, rubbing the area that was turning red. "Don't be embarrassed."

"I didn't know I snored."

"It was really quiet. And cute." She smiled then. "Would you like the meal now?"

She sat up all the way, turning on a light next to the bed. "Yes, please."

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