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Wren took Zork'ak to the lab instead of to the grappling room, not telling xe why. She climbed out the window, and xe followed, finding the humans sitting on the roof and Faradae amongst them. Faradae jumped up at the sight of Zork'ak, rushing towards xem.

"Hey." Zork'ak nodded in greeting. "So we're doing something extra special today. Instead of learning how humans should fight other species, we want to help the Klyls."

"How would you all do this?" Zork'ak had followed Faradae towards the others and sat amongst them.

"Well, I have met with the combat leader, designed different weaknesses for us to target to protect ourselves." Zork'ak was aware of this. "Xe did show me that there are a few species that you have not found a weakness to exploit, yet. One particularly close and aggressive species, the Zuessrq." That was true. It was easier to broker peace as the Klyls had no defense against them.

"We know that you don't have weapons because of your evolution." Adam cut in, gesturing to Zork'ak's body. "We use knives, and you have talons. We use guns and you have projectiles. You even have better armor. I would like to know if you have an explosive projectile for a large area. We call them grenades."

"Yes, I can create a larger projectile." Zork'ak pulled xer poisonous layer around xer scales, careful not to touch Wren or Adam. Xe shaped the sphere in between xer hands, creating a larger and larger ball. "It takes more energy to both create and contain, and if we have been fighting for an extended cycle, we could start to lose some of our protective layer, but" xe paused, holding a sphere larger than Adam's head between xer hands, "it can cause damage to a large area."

"Okay, there. Can you, uh, can you put that away?" Adam was edging away from Zork'ak as Wren was leaning over.

"That's so fucking cool. So your, like, poison is also explosive?"

"When combined with some of the compounds in the atmosphere, we are able to manipulate it into an explosive projectile, yes."

"Ooookay,"Faradea said, drawing back attention to himself. "Now that Adam has answers to his weapon questions, we have an actual purpose being up here today." Zorkak nodded, reabsorbing the poison from the sphere and allowing the external layer to seep back into xer pores. "The Zuessrq. My understanding is they are much taller and faster than most species and you have yet to find a way to break through their external protective layer?"

Zork'ak nodded. "We do not know how to fight them as Klyls. I cannot help train the humans to fight that species."

"Well, that's the thing." Faradae was smiling. "You were unable to find a way through their exoskeleton because you know nothing about the makeup of their outer layer."

"Yes, well, the Zuessrq are a very well-protected and suspicious group."

"Not when you're a human." Kai held up a tube of liquid purple.

"What is-" Zork'ak leaned closer, not recognizing the liquid. "What is this?"

She grinned wide. "We went on another collection trip. The Zuessrq were also out at that time, and we convinced Knycuz to introduce us."

"We were all scanning the compounds to make it look like we needed something, but I tried to talk to one of them," Adam said next to Zork'ak. "I had Knycuz translate for me. I asked the Zuessrq if I could inquire about the way the atmospheric compounds were interacting with xer exoskeleton."

"And xe let you?" Zork'ak was unsure of the truth of this statement.

"Well, we didn't tell Knycuz I have been studying the common language, so I knew what he was saying. He told the Zuessrq that we were just some humans on base who knew little of the terrain and wanted to log some compounds. I don't think xe have any idea what we do here."

"Anyway," Faradae redirected the conversation. "We were able to engineer a compound that causes the molecular bonds of their exoskeleton to break."

"It will disintegrate their outer layer and leave a vulnerable spot. We are not sure for how long, but it allows for a shot at them if necessary," Kai said, inspecting the tube.

"We have a form of launcher for this substance and another for a projectile similar to yours. We would be able to weaponize it. Our question is, how could you use it?"

Zork'ak was unsure why they were asking xem. "Have you not spoken to a combat leader?"

"No, we wanted to hear your idea first." Wren was looking up at him.

"Why? I have little knowledge of this area."

"You are the only one well acquainted with human behavior, and, to my knowledge, this is the first 'weapon' you have needed. We trusted you most."

"You...trusted me?"

Kai nodded. "We wanted to work with you first. We even labeled the compound as a virus on Earth so when it uploaded, it would not be investigated."

"You believe I will have best knowledge of how to use this 'weapon?'"

Faradae reached forward, touching one Zork'ak's taloned extremity. "We don't believe others will understand a weapon that is not part of their biology. They are not used to unnatural things. You are, though. You're used to us and all of the differences. We thought you'd listen more."

"It should not hurt your scales. We designed for Klyls to be able to use." Kai handed the vial to Zork'ak. "What do you think?"

Zork'ak uncapped the tube and dipped the edge of a talon into it. Xe waited, preparing for the pain. Nothing happened. All the humans leaned closer, watching at xe scooped some of the liquid onto xer scales. The liquid was smooth against xer exoskeleton, adhered enough not to fall off but could be intentionally wiped away. Zork'ak began to pull xer poisonous layer up, and the purple liquid floated on top of that layer, too. Xe began making a sphere, watching as the purple layer moved on top of the blue, flowing into xer hands.

"Holy shit," Wren breathed next to xem. Xe created a sphere of both liquids, not mixing, but the purple surrounding the blue. "Could you throw that?"

"I believe that if I were to throw the sphere, the purple liquid would melt a Zuessrq exoskeleton and then the poisonous layer would attack xer vulnerable organs. I believe the combat leader could design containers similar to your gun holders that we could coat our hands in and form projectiles if it were to come to battle."

"I can get it to xem." Faradae stood up. Zork'ak began to withdraw the outer layer backup xer extremities and into xer pores.

"Zor, wait!" Wren yelled, eyes wide. The purple liquid remained in xer hands, which xe wiped into the tube and handed to Faradae.

"What is it, Wren?"

"Oh, I thought that it might retract into your pores with your outer layer. I wasn't sure if it would hurt you."

"You wanted to keep me from getting hurt?"

She smiled up at xem, leaning to pat xer back. "Of course I do."

Zork'ak felt an odd pressure spread throughout xer chest.

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