Thrill Junkies

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Strulet knocked on Zorka'k's office door as xe readied for first meal, where xe anticipated accompanying the humans to their laboratory after. "Xir, the Commander requires you in xer office."


"I am to accompany you now."

Xe nodded, dropping xer files on xer desk and stepping out of the office so the door would slide closed. When xe arrived, the office was empty besides the Commander standing near the window. Strulet left the office to allow the Commander to speak privately to Zork'ak.

"I retrieved you to discuss your role in observing the humans. I read your report from the last rotation." Xe walked to where the Commander was standing. "The humans are more abnormal than I had expected, but they do not need to be closely watched. You will conduct at least two visits a day. I will also be observing their uploaded notes from their research, so that will provide me with enough information." Zork'ak nodded. Humans bond during social times such as meals. Try to sit with them during some of your meals if they allow. If they accept you into their social bond, they'll be more willing to provide you with beneficial information."

"Yes, xir."

"You are dismissed."

Zork'ak was passing the laboratory on xer right where xe had left the humans after first meal when xe heard the humans shouting within, causing xem to pause outside the room. Inside, the humans were huddled around the window against the back wall.

"Just do it you wimp," Jessica was saying to Steve.

Adam pushed him. "Come on. It's not hard."

Steve was rapidly turning his head in opposite directions. "I hate heights, guys."

Carrie was emitting a noise with her mouth upturned on the sides as she pulled herself up onto the ledge of the window, twisting to face the building. "Whatever. Just stay down here then." She stood up, her lower extremities vanishing.

Zork'ak quickly entered the room in order to stop Kai as she moved towards the window. Xe had been informed of a 'sadness,' an emotion Klyls did not feel, that could lead a human to end their own existence. Xe had read that humans would jump from great heights to complete this action. It was a possible problem that the galactic board had trained the Klyls in.

"What is your intention?" Xe asked, and the humans turned to look up at xem

Adam touched Zork'ak's upper extremity. "Relax. We're just climbing up to the roof."

"I am concerned for your well-being. Are you all feeling the sadness?"

The four humans emitted varying noises in response to xer question. "No, we are not depressed," Kai said. She walked over to the window. "We're just going up to the roof for lunch."

Zork'ak backed out of the room and peered into the neighboring lab. Their window was open, and Wren was yelling out of the window and up above her. Soon Zork'ak saw these humans begin to climb out, too. Xe moved forward again; this time seeking explanation.

"Reese! What is the meaning of this?"

The human turned around, mouth upturned. "We're just going up to the roof. Come with us."

Zork'ak decided that it was a necessity to see what the humans were doing. It took all four of xer upper extremities and xer talons dug into the hard material to climb up onto the roof. Xe found twelve of the laboratory workers sitting around the roof, the remaining three quickly appearing after xem including Steve. Some were laying on their backs, others eating meal, three on the ledge. Zork'ak sat down near a group of humans in the center of the roof.

"You would hate skydiving." Adam was looking at Steve.

Carrie took a bite out of an 'apple,' an odd Earth fruit they had brought on board their ship. "Have you been?"

Adam nodded. "Pretty damn fun if you ask me."

"I've been bungee jumping," Wren interjected. "You want to talk about a thrill."

Jessica walked up behind Zork'ak. "I've done both." She sat down next to xem.

"So which one's better?" Carrie asked.

Jessica leaned back on her bent upper extremities. "Skydiving is more fun, but bungee jumping is more thrilling."

Zork'ak cleared xer throat. "What is this 'skydiving' and 'bungee jumping?'"

Adam turned towards xem. "Well, skydiving is where you jump out of a plane, an aircraft, and free fall towards the ground, and then you open a parachute, this large fabric, before you get too close, and you land. Bungee jumping is tying a rope to your leg, and then you jump off something really high, and the cord will yank you back just before you hit the ground."

Zork'ak had not studied these activities. "Is this a training tactic?"

Adam looked at xem. "No, no. It's just fun."

"Thrilling," Wren added.

"You fall from heights that would kill you and trust a cord or fabric to catch you before you hit the ground to bring you pleasantness?"

They all nodded. "Pretty much," Jessica said.

Zork'ak was returning to xer office after meal when xe saw most of the laboratory humans again. They signaled recognition with their upper extremities, and they all were wearing outfits xe had not seen before and carrying bags on their backs.

"Are you all going on an excursion?" Zork'ak asked.

Wren stopped next to Zork'ak. "No, we're going cliff diving."

"There's some pretty wicked ones a few miles downstream, makes for a good hike," Steve said as he walked past.

"'Cliff diving?'" Zork'ak asked.

"It's where you climb to the highest cliff, a tall piece of rock that juts out over the river, and then you jump."

Xe did not understand the nature of this plan.. "Does this not hurt you?"

Wren lifted and dropped her shoulders. "If you land wrong or don't jump far enough out, it can."

"Why would you take this risk?"

Carrie paused amid the others. "If you do it right, it's really fun."

Wren turned and walked alongside Carrie, informing Zork'ak to 'have a good evening.' Xe continued towards xer office, sitting down to begin filling out what xe believed would be a very long report on human behavior.

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