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Knycuz began regularly taking the same group of humans, with a few variations, to the collection site. Xe had even learned a few names. Like Steve, for instance, who made xem confident that humans should never be allowed to drive. Or Kai, who was using her data collected to cultivate new growths in her warm buildings on base. She had created new growths for meal, which had added what Zork'ak had taught xem was called 'flavor.'

At Kai's request, Knycuz was taking the humans out to a farther collection site. This one had points of entry underground that Kai and Kace asked to explore.

"Hey, Knycuz."

"No." Xe could feel Steve's body heat radiating closer to xer own extremity.

"You didn't know what I was going to ask."

Knycuz turned slightly. "No, you cannot drive the carrier."

He pressed his mouth into a thin line. "We'd get there faster."

"Our carrier is programmed with efficient speed."

Steve leaned back on his bench. "Efficiency isn't always fun."

Kai laughed. "Knycuz is being nice. You're a shitty driver is what xe are trying to say."

Knycuz's mouth upturned on the edges in an unnatural position. Xe would need to discuss mirrored behavior with Zork'ak. Xe knew Zork'ak was the lead analyst for human behavior.

The humans dispersed around the large collection site. Some of them were inspecting new growths on the edges of the site, but Steve and another male immediately descended into the underground entrance. Kai and two males were examining the edges of the entrance, where the terrain shifted and there were non-edible growths on the inner walls.

Knycuz was so entranced watching the humans as they carefully scanned materials, typed in notes, discussed with each other. Xe were starting to see this group as a very inventive, analytic set of humans. They could be loud, and their behavior was quite unnatural to Knycuz, but xe began to study them. The Klyls could stand to learn from these humans.

Knycuz was too busy watching the individual humans that xe did not carefully watch the collection site as xe were supposed to. The collection site hadn't been visited in many cycles, so it's stability had not been evaluated, and Knycuz had not realized that xe should have done so.

There was a slight shift, a grating sound, as one of the males tested the growth with a sharpened tool. The piece broke apart, and Knycuz watched as the hole left behind created fissures around it. Larger chunks popped out of the side of the wall, and the three humans scrambled back, moving out of the way as jagged material collapsed to the ground.

Knycuz was racing forward, assessing how the underground entrance was now covered by the material. Xe dug xer talons, using xer four upper extremities to lift the piece. It barely moved. Xe tried over and over, the three humans scrambling to grip the piece.

"I'll radio the commander. We can have other Klyls come to move this. We'll be able to-"

"Guys!" Steve was trapped inside the underground pathway.

"Steve!" The male closest to Knycuz darted forward, looking for a spot to see the other human.

"Adam! I'm stuck in here, man. What happened?"

"A piece of the wall fell in. We're gonna get you out. Knycuz is calling for backup."

"That's great and all man, but some huge chunks fell inside of here, and, uh, my legs trapped."

"What?" Knycuz noticed Adam's eyes widened. His voice grew higher in pitch.

"Faradae's trying to move it, but I didn't move fast enough. It doesn't hurt too bad."

"He's lying." The other male's voice sounded closer to the entrance. "I think it's broken, and there's a lot of blood."

"Is he-" Adam started climbing up the material, looking for a way in. "Is he going to be okay?"

"Yeah. He should be fine, but we've got to move this rock so I can stop the bleeding."

Adam slipped back down to the terrain, finding a small hole in between the entrance and the fallen piece. He gripped the large material and began to pull. Knycuz was not aware of why this human believed this action to be logical, but xe watched. He moved the piece. A small amount, but more than Knycuz had managed.

"I'm coming, Steve!"

"Adam, I'm okay. I swear, man." Steve's voice sounded like he was breathing much too hard.

"You are a filthy liar. Faradae?"

"He's not looking too hot. I need to see what was sliced."

Adam grunted and moved the material even farther. He pulled harder and yelled as it slid across the terrain. Knycuz did not see how this was physically possible. Klyls were three times as strong as humans, and xe could not move the material.

Adam managed to create a space large enough for him to crawl through. There were sounds of a slight struggle, a strangled noise, and then Adam emerged holding Steve in his arms.

Sy pulled out items from his pack, ripping open Steve's pants to clean the fluids off of his extremity. Adam stood over him the whole time, watching carefully, urging Steve to drink clear liquid.

"How is this possible?" Knycuz was looking at Kai next to xem. "How could Adam move something I could not? I am stronger."

"It's called adrenaline. In some circumstances when we really need to be able to do things like lift heavy stuff, our body pumps out this chemical that can allow us to do impressive feats. Adam really cares about Steve. He needed to get to him. You tried, but you were not frantic. You did not NEED to get to Steve. Adam needed to, and his body supplied him the energy to do it. He could not do it again. His body isn't strong enough."

"Your body has the ability to perform these feats, but you can only access it in rare circumstances?"

Kai nodded. "Yeah. It's usually to save ourselves or someone we care about."

Knycuz nodded, too. It was quite an interesting way to respond to these situations. Xe continued to watch as Adam lifted Steve to his feet, carefully helping him to the carrier. Adam kept watching Steve in a way Knycuz had not observed humans look at each other before. Xe must ask Zork'ak about these visual interactions.

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