Being Exclusive

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Zork'ak had left Wren unconscious in her bed and went in search of Adam. Xe had not spoken to him in many cycles and found xemself longing for his company. Adam was not on the roof, though, as Xe expected.


Zork'ak jolted at the sound of Adam's voice. Xe should have been more aware as xe climbed back into the laboratory. Adam was sitting in the far corner at his workstation.

"What are you doing in here?"

"I, well," xe climbed off the window ledge and walked deeper into the room, "I came to speak with you."

Adam stood up. Zork'ak could not see any illumination or products on the area in front of him. "Is something wrong?"

Zork'ak walked farther forward, the darkness shrouding xer vision. "No."

Adam stepped into a shaft of moonlight coming in through the window. He had one eyebrow raised. "Then why are you in here?"

"I was under the assumption you would be on the roof." Zork'ak did not have a reason for the way xer heart was beating a small amount faster than normal. "I am experiencing a need to see you."

Adam's mouth upturned minimally. "You missed me?" And Zork'ak nodded, knowing that they were the words that xe needed. Adam stepped forward, wrapping xer extremities around Zork'ak's upper half. "Come here." Zork'ak mimicked the motion, finding that this embrace brought xem the feeling of safety, not the same as when Wren touched xem. In that moment, Zork'ak could see the difference between the friendship with the two.

"I suppose I did find my after meal time lacking in an aspect."

Adam shook his head. "Come on." He crossed over to the ledge, pulling himself up onto the roof. Zork'ak followed.

"You and Wren, huh?"

Adam was lying on his back next to Zork'ak, the two staring up at the moons above. Zork'ak had told Adam, all of it, all the pieces that xe were unsure of, everything that happened.

"In what aspect are you referencing?"

"That you two are together. Like emotionally invested exclusively."

"I am not certain that is the truth."

Adam turned to look at xem. "That's what you wanted to talk about."

"No. I wished to speak with you in general terms."

"I know. But you need advice."


Adam pushed up on his extremity. "You don't know what you and Wren are, and you especially have no idea what to do with her."

Zork'ak blew out a breath. "Klyls do not do this. We do not express emotions. Nor do we engage in companionship or the act of trust. What is it that humans gain from this?"

"Happiness. A companion."

Xe nodded. "I suppose. I still am not aware of what I am to do with her."

"What do you usually do with her?"

"No. I intended it to be in the aspect of what her expectations are. What are the expectations of this situation?"

"Oh." Adam looked out across the terrain. "You have to ask her that."

Zork'ak sat up. "I must speak to her?" Adam nodded. "About this?" Another nod. "I do not find enjoyment in that idea."

His mouth tugged upward without looking back at xem. "You're nervous."

"I have no reason to be afraid of a conversation."

That's when Adam's eyes rolled towards xem. "Bullshit."

"I-what is this?"

" You are full of shit. You are afraid of what she will say, if it will change things."

"No. Words ar-"

"You can deny anything you want. But that's not true and you know it."

Zork'ak laid back down on the hard material, throwing xer talons over xer eyes. "I do not understand this situation. What if she interprets actions differently?"

Adam touched xer upper extremity, and xe moved xer talons. "You have to ask. Not knowing is worse than being hurt. You should know that."

"No. I recall a specific situation where I was informed of an outcome that was more unpleasant than being silent."

"Oh, whatever. You're together now."

"We ar-"

"Quit lying to yourself and ask her."

Zork'ak let out a loud breath, staring up at the moons. Xe regretted having learned these emotions. They were indeed 'bullshit.'

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