Sleeping With Others

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Zork'ak had returned with Wren to her room after she had finished her work. The two sat, watching out the window, Kohev in her lap. Zork'ak was slowly starting to understand the bond she had with the creature. The two had started spending time together after she finished her work or during episodes that were difficult for her. Xe would sit with her and Kohev, sometimes in silence staring out that window and sometimes talking. Zork'ak had not told anyone, Adam, about her or them or the situation. But xe enjoyed it, being with Wren, and xe really enjoyed when she kissed xem. It was a feeling xe had not expected, but Wren had invited xem to partake in the activity more and more frequently, sometimes longer kisses or multiple kisses.

Wren had left the laboratory early, an attack approaching. Jessica had given Zork'ak the medicine Wren needed. She had taken it, and xe had sat with her without her request. They had started to fall in a routine of being together when Zork'ak was not working, including xer observation hours.

She blew out a breath, leaning her head against Zork'ak's shoulder. She had wrapped xer upper extremity around her shoulders, pulling her bent lower extremities up to her chest with Kohev pressed to the small space in front of her chest.

"Are you growing fatigued?" Xe could feel her weight shift as she started to lean on xem harder.

"I am." Her voice was quieter.

"Here." Xe stood up, helping pull the fabric back on her bed so she could lay down. Kohev circled into its position, pressed against her abdomen, and Zork'ak pulled the fabric up around her body. Xe pushed her hair back, leaning down to plant a kiss to her head. Wren has shown xem how to kiss another's skin and hair to show affection, also. When her eyes did not open again, xe turned to leave. Zork'ak had almost made it to the door when Wren stopped xem.


Xe turned around, Wren twisted to look at the door as her body was on its side facing the opposing wall. "Yes?"

"Can you stay?"

Xe walked back towards her. "I will. I was under the belief that you had undergone restorative cycle."

Her eyes were barely open as she said, "can you stay with me all night?"

Xe gently ran a talon down her cheek. "You wish for me to not return to my quarters?"

"Can you sleep with me?"

Zork'ak had not been exposed to this concept. "To have a simultaneous restorative cycle in the same space?"

"Yeah." Her mouth was barely moving, making her voice sound strange, sweeter.

"I suppose I could try that."

She moved closer to the wall, Kohev letting out a small noise as it, too, was forced to move. Zork'ak laid down in the space next to her, staying on xer back, talons clasped as xe generally assumed each cycle. She turned onto her opposite side, Kohev letting out a deeper noise as it climbed off the bed and onto the pile at the end of the bed it had claimed as its own.

"Do you not want to get under the blanket?"

Zork'ak's body flooded with a soft warmth at the way she sounded when she was tired. Xe pushed back the fabric, pulling xemself underneath it so there was nothing blocking xem and Wren. She wrapped one of her upper extremities around xer abdomen and rested her head on xer chest, maneuvering xer upper extremities under her body.

Zork'ak was unfamiliar with this situation. Xe was not certain where to place xer other two extremities but was too distracted by Wren's body pressed against xer own along xer entire length. Xe watched her for a while, the way her breathing was slow, her face outlined in the soft light, her eyes not moving. Finally, xe closed xer eyes, tightening xer upper extremities around Wren's body.

It was an unusual feeling, to know that xe was trusting Wren when xe was most vulnerable. Xe was always locked protectively in xer own quarters, but now, xe, for the first time, was entering xer cycle with another being present. Yet, Wren trusted xem often. Xe also enjoyed the warmth that spread through xer limbs, the happiness that this vulnerability and company brought xem. It was something that xe did not know xe wanted until now, the feeling of being held, of holding another being even when xe were unconscious.

Xe was not aware what xer expectations had been but waking up with Wren was not it. It was a surprise initially to find her next to xem. Her back was now pressed against xer side, xer own body curved around her. The bright light from the sun now cast its light, and looking at her before she had awoken, brought a calming effect on xem. Xe gently pulled xer talons through her hair, which slowly brought her back to consciousness. She turned towards xem, pressing her face into xer chest and pulling the fabric up around her body.

"Good morning." Her eyes were barely open as a small smile tugged at her lips.


She leaned up to kiss xem, and xe realized that this, this barely awoken kiss, was the best moment of xer existence. If xe could earn anything again, it would be to see her like this. This beautiful, open, face, her eyelashes fluttering, her face full of unwavering happiness. It sent such a strong feeling through xer body, such a want and joy that xe did not know xe could feel.

She kissed xer lips again, letting a quiet laugh out that made Zork'ak smile widely. Xe kissed her back in return, her beautiful blue eyes finally open to look at xem.

"Would you prefer to go to meal now?"

She kissed xer nose. "Yeah. I'm hungry."

Zork'ak watched as she climbed off the bed and concluded that these humans sparked something in the Klyls that they would have truly missed. The way Wren made xem feel, just with her presence was unbelievable. Xe would have to ask permission to have restorative sleep with her more often.

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