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Adam laughed and shook his head. "No, I'm not afraid I'm going to get stabbed in my sleep just because I'm not sleeping in my locked room."

"I am merely stating that enduring your restorative cycle on the roof of a building is not safe and leaves you vulnerable."

"I'm fine. Trust me."

"I accept that your spe-"

Zork'ak and Adam rounded the corner, almost slamming into Knycuz. Xe had been coming from the direction of the humans' designated quarters.

"Do you have attention required in this area?" Zork'ak could not find an instance where Knycuz, an officer in external threats, would need to be in a designated human area. Even if harm comes to humans in xer collection trips, xe calls for a medic and Zork'ak immediately. "I was not informed of a collection site excursion."

Knycuz has xer lips pressed into a thin line. "It was not an assignment."

Zork'ak cocked xer head. "Your presence in this area was not an assignment or your activities were not an assignment?"

Knycuz looked at the floor. Not a Klyl tendency to shy away from superiors. "Both."

"I require a report on your actions for the past cycle."

Knycuz lifted his eyes back up to Zork'ak. For some reason, Zork'ak could not help but notice xer grey eyes, so similar to xer own, but with yellow flecks. It was not a Klyl's way to catalog unnecessary physical characteristics. Zork'ak did not notice that xer learned human procedures projected onto xer own species.

Adam pressed the back of his hand against his mouth, a quiet sound escaping. Zork'ak could see that he was trying to hide the way his mouth turned upwards. "I'm sorry." Another small sound. "This is just-you don't get it." He burst out in full laughter. "Who was it?" Adam was watching Knycuz, who was staring at him with xer forehead slightly scrunched. "Not Carrie, she wouldn't. Kai? Reese? They're not good at being exclusive." There was a slight shake to xer head. Zork'ak had no idea what they were discussing. "Ummm.. I can get it." Adam looked down, shaking his head back and forth slowly. "Lyle's too shy; Caiden's too invested in Lyle." Adam froze, his eyes slowly lifting. "No."

Knycuz looked afraid. Zork'ak could not infer what would be causing Knycuz any mental harm. "Adam-"


"Adam, no-"

Adam burst out in laughter, bouncing slightly. "I can't believe this! Jess? Really? She's so closed off. I can't even imagine she would-" Adam stopped moving, his mouth seeming to inch up his face even more. "I was curious about that, if you could be with us, you know?"

"What is this conversation?"

Adam turned to look at Zork'ak. "Knycuz, here, is a shacker. Well, "Adam looked out the window, where the sun was emerging, "it's a bit early, but still. You slept there?" Knycuz did not reply. "That's a yes."

"What is a shacker?"

"It's when you sleep over after a one night stand and have to walk home in the morning. And you usually," Adam raised his eyebrows, "try to make it home before anyone sees you."

Knycuz blew out a breath. "May I return to my quarters now?"

Adam laughed again. "Just tell me one thing, do you actually like her?"

Knycuz's mouth quirked to one side. "I do not experience those emotions."

Adam rolled his eyes. "Yes you do."

"Klyls are purely physical."

Adam let out a small laugh. Zork'ak could not understand how Adam was this amused.

"I should've expected that. Jess isn't exactly emotional."

Knycuz stepped around the two, walking in the opposite direction. Adam looked to Zork'ak. "I don't know why I'm surprised. I guess I didn't think Klyls would be interested in humans." Adam's eyes looked from Zork'ak's head to xer toes. "I guess I've been proven wrong."

Knycuz brushed xer talons on the space beside xer door, causing it to slide open. Xe needed to report to a commanding officer meeting in a quarter of a cycle. Still, xe fell onto xer bed. It was true what Adam said, that xe did slip unconscious for a little more than a cycle. Xe had never experienced the act of accidentally entering xer restorative cycle. Until xe met Jessica.

Knycuz was not truthful when Adam asked about xer feelings. Xe did not understand the complexity of mental and physical ways Jessica could make xem feel. But xe did know that it was not purely physical. Jessica had been occupying much of xer restorative time and even more of xer mental focus despite the paperwork xe attempted to complete.

Not that xe minded the physical aspects, the things that Jessica taught xem was pleasure. Xe certainly had learned much about human tendencies, the things they say, the expressions and resulting noises. But what started as companionship, then casual pleasure, was now blooming past Knycuz's ability to comprehend.

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