Airplane Crashes

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"Don't you have air travel?" Wren asked Knycuz.

Zork'ak had invited Knycuz to first meal at xer table after their officer meeting. Knycuz kept peeking down towards Jessica without turning xer head. She had not shown any emotion when xe appeared, not even turning attention to notice xe had arrived despite the fact that xe had just left her quarters a little over a cycle before.

"We do for long term travel. It is rarely used except for the superior commanders and the Commander when they must negotiate with other bases."

"So, if I wanted to, you know, take it out for a spin, would that be a no? Or..?"

"Our air travel carriers are not built for such spinning. That would not be ideal."

Adam laughed next to Knycuz. "She means she would like to drive it."

Zork'ak shook xer head. "That would be ambitious, do you not think? You have not been trained."

"My father taught me how to fly back on Earth. I don't know how he managed to talk anyone into that, but he did. He was in the Air Force, a highly decorated officer. Sort of like your superior commanders."

"I do believe that our aircrafts would be quite different from yours."

She smiled at Zork'ak. Knycuz could see how Zork'ak's mouth also quirked up. It was obvious why Zork'ak so easily did as the humans asked. Knycuz looked towards Jessica. Yes, xe could understand that desire.

"I just want to look. Not even fly. Can I at least see one?"

"Why would you want to be on one of those death traps?" Steve leaned towards where the three of them sat talking.

"They are not death traps. They are modes of transportation. Just like a car."

"At least a car is safer."

Wren turned, her mouth no longer upturned. "It is statistically much more likely for you to get in a car wreck than a plane crash. Much more."

"Yeah, but at least the car is already on the ground."

Knycuz noticed the way the muscle along the bottom of her face was tensed. "That makes no sense."

Zork'ak was watching Wren's face with xer grey eyes. Knycuz paused, never having noticed specifics. But yes, xe did suppose that all Klyls had grey eyes. It was not an acute observation.

"I'm just saying, I'd prefer not to crash into the ground."

"But you'd prefer to crash into another vehicle, person, or structure?"

"I'd prefer that I'd be expecting it."

Wren let out a small laugh. It was not like a normal laugh, though. It was an unpleasant sound. "Car wrecks are not any more anticipatory than plane crashes. In fact, if that is your concern, you will know your plane is going down way before you would ever have any idea that you were going to get in a wreck."

"I just don't like my fate in other people's hands."

"You don't let your friends drive?"

Steve opened his mouth, then closed it. "I-" Wren's forehead scrunched together.

"You what? You're wrong?"

"Am I not allowed to have a fear, Wren?"

"I'm just saying there's nothing to be afraid of."

"Have you never heard of an irrational fear?" He was staring down at his meal, twisting the utensil around.

"A fear should only be a fear if it is reasonable."

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