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Zork'ak's routine had been disrupted with the news of the humans' arrival. Xe could no longer spend cycles filing documents and attending meetings. Instead, the Commander had pulled the four Superior Officers from their duties, leaving their highest ranking officers in charge of executing internal and external affairs. Azxan was the only one excused, and that was not frequently, as xer officers were unable to conduct business in the medical wing without xem entirely.

The four of them had been redirected, Azxan studying human medicine and anatomy in preparation, though little of it made sense to xem. Morej, as defense coordinator, was training a select group in case this was a hostile invasion. T'chet worked closely with the Commander in xer communication with the human galactic board with xer expertise in external affairs.

Zork'ak had been left with remodeling the base to accommodate the human needs like showers, which were not necessary for Kyls since they had scales and did not excrete oils. Storage areas had to be designed and built for their fabric coverings and devices installed on the elimination receptacles to clean the humans. Basic additions to the base were often handled but much lower ranking officers, not the Superior Officer of internal affairs. Once the remodeling was completed, Zork'ak had more tasks: increasing food production, developing cleaning materials with fabrics and skin, redistributing Kyls to give the humans a laboratory and supplies.

Three rotations prior to the humans' arrival, Zork'ak had completed all tasks. Xe was allowed to return to xer supervisor duties, to organizing meetings and filling out documents, the routine that xe had so carefully crafted. The humans had been a minor disruption, but no longer. Their needs were fixed, and xe could return to xer own tasks.

"Zork'ak will be overseeing the humans," the Commander announced during their meeting a rotation before the humans' arrival. "Their behavior needs to be observed and recorded."

Xe nodded, attempting to hide xer protest on xer face. The humans had not only disrupted xer work for multiple rotations. Now, it was indefinite. This could become quite a difficult task.

"Commander," Zork'ak addressed xem privately after the other Superior Officers had left. The realization of the change in routine had become too illogical for Zork'ak to ignore any longer. "The humans could be overseen by one of my officers. Their need should be met, and if not, I can address it."

"You must be the one. I am not certain if the humans have another motive besides research while they are here. I will also need a report each rotation submitted before your restorative cycle. The humans need to be well documented and observed by a Klyl who will complete this task thoroughly." Xe walked around xer desk to touch Zork'ak on the shoulder. "You are the necessary one. It is decided. Watch them closely."

Xe inclined xer head. "Yes, xir."

"Your mission also must be confidential. The humans and other Klyls do not need to know our intentions past observing behavior of a more reclusive species."

"Yes, xir."

"You are dismissed." The Commander dropped xer hand from Zork'ak's shoulder and moved towards the window on xer wall.

As Zork'ak moved to wave xer talons in front of the door's sensor, the Commander added, "Zork'ak." Xe turned slightly to look at xer Commander. "The humans do not follow Klyl rules and logic. They deceive and manipulate. The things you have been trained not to do. With them, it is allowed to break rules if necessary provided you inform me in your report. You may lie."

Xe nodded, and the Commander turned away. Brushing the sensor, the door opened, and Zork'ak stepped out into the corridor. The Klyls had been taught to never lie, that it has no benefit. Perhaps the humans were more dangerous than xe previously thought. 

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