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002. silver ski coats and oops, a friend fell

BARBIE ALLEN didn't like how bad this extraction was going. and it didn't help that the guy she was currently forced to dance with seemed to be so shocked by the fact two kids were gone and probably taken by the monster, dr thorn.

"shit, shit," she cursed again, "i didn't even know their names-"

"bianca and nico di angelo," hissed percy, "weren't you listening? maybe listen to your own ad-"

"alright smartass, not the time!" she whispered frantically.

"does this usually happen?" he asked, "on extractions? because i don't think this is fun-"

"it isn't meant to be fun! we got to find them!"

"don't get your panties in a twist, barbie doll, we'll find them," he said.

"easy for you to say! mr 'i've-went-on-two-quests- look, let's... let's just go find them, ok? then i can curse you as much as i like afterwards," she said, trying to calm herself down.

"i didn't consent to that!"

"you were never meant to!" she hissed in return.

they'd ran down a corridor, looking around for the kids, hoping they hadn't been made into demigod chowder just yet. she heard the click of a pen, and a loud unsheathing noise, she turned to see percy holding his sword. instinctively after hearing a faint noise, she took the sunglasses of her head and flicked them downwards, holding them by the frame. within seconds it morphed into a celestial bronze dagger. pearl engravements swirled around the handle and etched into the blade itself were the words 'καρδιακός σπαστής' which roughly translated to heartbreaker.

and whilst percy's riptide was a bit less classy, both their weapons worked the same (ish) way. it would always return to her and if she flicked heartbreaker up, it would return to a deadly fashion statement, quite literally.

they turned and ran down a dark hallway to the find the kids. they both looked terrified. it made barbie feel sympathy for the two of them. just like when she was little. she felt bad, they probably lived their whole lives up to this point thinking they were normal, that they were safe.

barbie used to think that way too. until she turned eight, and a bunch of cyclopses tried to kill her when she was at one of her dad's places for work. she was on the run for days, scared for her life, only having a random pocket knife she'd found to protect herself. what made it worse was when she was asleep her dreams were plagued with the queen of the heavens, saying her nearly getting killed was a test.

she woke up the next day, surrounded by cyclopses and had to get a satyr, gleeson hedge ( a satyr with violent tendencies) to come and save her.

she learnt from that day onwards that not all the gods and goddesses were good. and that the queen of the heavens, hera, was a bitch. (but she'd never say that out loud because she currently wasn't looking to get turned into a shish kebab).

she heard a faint whimper from the younger boy and her tense look softened.

"our names are percy jackson and barbie allen," spoke percy in an oddly soft voice, "we're gonna get you out of here and take you somewhere safe."

barbie was about to scold him for using the stupid nickname when a snarling voice from behind them said, "i know who you are, persesus jackson."

a thwip sound was heard and a soft groan of pain was heard from percy. barbie saw the whip literally wrap around his shoulder. she changed her stance, holding up her dagger and staring at the shadow with the meanest glare.

[1] 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋 ― p.jackson  ✓Where stories live. Discover now