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BONUS CHAPTER 002. the glow of a single flower

A WEEK after the battle of manhattan, and barbie and percy were going pretty good. safe to say, after their kiss underwater, he'd asked her to be his girlfriend (which she'd accepted because who wouldn't?) and they were... really, really happy. barbie couldn't think of any other word to describe it, but she just couldn't stop smiling when she was with percy. everywhere they went, she felt a glow of happiness inside her. she didn't know what else to think, but just being by percy... it made her forget everything.

as for kenji... barbie decided she was now neutral about him. he fit in pretty well. and after a few days of being at camp, he wasn't seen as an outcast by others anymore. since the hecate cabin and all the other cabins were still under construction, annabeth came to him a lot to ask for design ideas. since he was the first hecate kid to actually be at camp. but other campers were claimed too. two members of the hermes cabin (formerly) were claimed by hebe. others by hypnos, and some by nike and- well, you get the point.

camp was definitely happier after percy's request. and more editions were made to the aphrodite cabin. they welcomed two new campers to their cabin. and although barbie was still getting used to the whole cabin councillor thing, she thought she was doing a pretty good job. she hadn't screwed up too much. and she remembered their activities and everything.

although in barbie's opinion, the best thing about camp now definitely had to be capture the flag. there were so many more kids in each cabin, and more and more kids were slowly turning up to camp. they were from so many different cabins, it made barbie smile so much. no big three kids had turned up yet, but percy seemed just as happy as she was. and capture the flag became such a big game. different kids, some with powers and some with none, all in the forest. capture the flag became more of a meme than anything.

and the campfire was spectacular. no longer was a small flame, but a roaring bonfire. kids from all different parentages' sang loudly, the happiness around barbie swarming her. they felt like they had a place now. they felt like they had a home, a place they could just be themselves. and that, was probably something barbie would never get tired of thinking about.

of course, with all the new cabin mates, somewhere rather curious as to what happened. some asked questions, and some wondered about the war they hadn't been apart of. councillors who'd been residing in the camp for a while tried their best to explain. people like clarisse, connor, annabeth and travis were able to explain most things without getting too emotional. but katie and barbie... it wasn't possible for them to... talk about that thing. they would stop, laugh slightly, a sad smile stretched on their faces, and continue with whatever activity they were doing.

eventually, of course, people found out. little flowers were left in front of the aphrodite cabin for silena, and small sunflowers left in front of the demeter cabin for cherry. every day the number of flowers would grow, with some messages being written as well. with more and more campers, it became harder for barbie to stop being full of grief. sure, she was happy to see them, but with all the curiosity they held, the more she was reminded.

and so, nightmares started again.

they were small at the start. just seeing silent or cherry in her dream and maybe a few flashes of how they died. but then, it started to slowly get worse. silent and cherry would start to talk. she could handle silena, because her whole cabin was getting nightmares. but cherry? it was different. cherry's death would flash by more and more in barbies sleep. soon, her nightmares turned into her mind reliving the moment where cherry died. again. again. and again.

[1] 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋 ― p.jackson  ✓Where stories live. Discover now