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020. demon peacock birds. 'nuff said.

GOING BACK to normal routines was kind of weird for barbie. like doing normal things like having a camp sing-along at the vampire (which honestly, she did miss). or having normal bonding nights, or just, not sleeping on the ground or constantly getting chased by monsters. not that she missed the constant danger. definitely not. but after doing it for so long, it just felt weird to have a curfew again, or the fact she had to actually get up at a certain time or clean her bed. but the whole summer was a blast.

she'd taken off her crutches weeks ago (thank the gods) and was now free to move around without them and the constant annoyance of taking so long to get everywhere. that, and percy no longer whined at her to try her crutches, to which annabeth would scold him ("percy you're not a fucking two your old. sit down and have your juice box-" "hey-" "do it percy," val had said, "you don't want to defy her. she's scary." "i've been friends with her for four years. i think i know.").

within camp, there had been a few weeks of prank wars and semi-competitions. the prank war actually began due to the hermes kids (no surprise there really) who had once again pranked the demeter kid cabin, placing crickets on their roof and successfully taking any amount of sleep the demeter kids could've gotten away. this set off a chain of events, which led to the semi-competition of who could prank the other cabin better. barbie had relished in the fact percy was all alone and definitely wouldn't get help ("bitch is gonna get fuckin' crushed i tell you that now.") and her whole cabin had devized several plans.

first, they planted a glitter bomb on the apollo cabin, making the bunch of shakespeare-obsessed kids have glitter in their hair for weeks. they'd then gotten a lovely rhyming curse back from them, but it was so totally worth it. as for the the second time, they'd painted percy's cabin hot pink and each of them had drawn a joke or drawing on the cabin (barbie had to stop val from... uh, drawing a di-) and barbie cackled as she saw percy storm up to her, uttering the words, "why the fuck are the words 'wap' on my fucking cabin-?"

but in the end, no matter how many times the aphrodite fucking killed the pranking game, the hermes cabin had actually ended up winning, with their grand finally making the camp half-blood t-shirts shouting violent insults and turning different colours. percy thought they were great, to which annabeth scolded him, but barbie had too, until one of them had shouted 'daddy issues!' (a rough topic).

they played capture the flag like usual, but most of them tended to stay away from zeus' fist.

as for barbie and annabeth's episode... they had chosen to ignore it. barbie would still wake up crying sometimes, seeing the bettered version of her dad, or perhaps her dad with two children and a husband, a loving family. a loving and complete family. that didn't include her. but it was fine, sort of, she had percy, at least. and he was always there to hang out with her. he didn't care what time it was, and would always let her in, hug her and try to comfort her. she actually probably had forgotten how many times she'd sneaked into percy's cabin just to talk and hug (and maybe try to stop blushing).

but apart from percy comforting her... the rest of their friendship had turned awkward in a way. it wasn't... one sided? she doesn't think it is. every time they hugged, she could feel him stiffen slightly, sort of like he was arguing with himself, and he'd let go. but then sometimes, he'd do something so fucking unexpected, like that one time he'd kissed her forehead without realising, or her hair, or just playing with her hair. annabeth and percy had a sort of brother and sister relationship, so they were used to be close and bickering and play fighting. but with barbie and percy, she had no idea. one moment he was awkward and funny, the next he was pulling shit like kissing her forehead (it had only happened twice. but still, barbie was over analyzing this way too much. which actually didn't always happen with her).

[1] 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋 ― p.jackson  ✓Where stories live. Discover now