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「016. kick names, take ass 」

NOBODY EVER believer barbie when she said she was a violent person. most people didn't believe her because she was a daughter of aphrodite. and usually, to most people, she was a nice person, laughing and chatting and a bit of sass here and there. but that was with people who hadn't pissed her off.

but it seemed monsters had a talent for pissing her off. and every single enemy (and some monsters that were probably on the boat) had managed to piss her off. the feeling of anger was practically welcomed, it fueled the pink mist along with her adrenaline. two things she needed. she let the anger fester and bubble, the pink mist swirling around her more. the titans probably thought it was just a cute little bit of mist.

but she was going to show them just how fucking scary jerald could be.

she took the liberty of helping percy fight against atlas. she had a scowl set to her face as she snapped her fingers, sending a small prayer up to her mom, hoping what she was planning was going to work. she watched as the mist crashed into atlas, knocking him off his feet, giving the two chaotic demigods the upper hand.

she roughly took off the sunglasses on her head and flicked them down, holding a dagger as she slashed atlas. he blocked the first few well, but she managed to cut him slightly on his arm, causing golden ichor to fall. she was already out of breath. fighting a titan was hard.

her movements started to get sluggish and percy tried to help, but atlas seemed to not struggle to fight the two of them at all. her blocks became weaker as atlas' slashes become stronger.

"puny daughter of aphrodite, how weak you-"

"-i am not weak," she hissed as she glared at him, because she wasn't. she'd grown so much on this quest, gotten scared, watched somebody die, got embarrassed by her mother, everything. and she wasn't just about to let everything she'd been training for or fighting for go to waste. her anger festered within her, and she concentrated on one word: wind.

and soon, she felt it blast powerfully at atlas, and he stumbled, seeming stronger then before. her little victory was cut short because he swung his weapon back down, and let her's clatter to the floor. he could have killed her right then and there, but he just kicked her away, sending her slamming into the nearest wall. it seemed she wasn't the main event.

percy was.

she didn't see much, her ears were ringing, and her body was on fire, se was pretty sure she was bleeding in her back from where she'd hit the wall and her head wasn't feeling to great either. things were spinning, but in front of her, the pink mist swirled around, carrying... her backpack. it seemed contents had spilt out, but in a small bag that had burst, there was one small cube of ambrosia. the mist brought it forward, and barbie hadn't even commanded it to, and it floated to her mouth, another tendril of mist mad an opening motion and she opened her mouth and the ambrosia dropped down to her mouth. she chewed on it for a moment, the heavenly taste of brownie dissolving on her tongue. 

she didn't feel one hundred percent, but she felt better like she could properly stand now-

"-die, little hero," he cackled atlas.

"no!" cried the voice of zoë.

she groaned to herself, trying to lift her body up. soon, she heard screams of protest and she felt herself be lifted up. she saw underneath her the pink mist of jerald. she was lifted up and tilted ever so slightly so that she'd slip off the mist and land on her feet.

[1] 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋 ― p.jackson  ✓Where stories live. Discover now