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014. barbie allen is fucking pissed (not in the drunk way)

AFTER TWO weeks of no percy jackson, and barbie trying to do her best to grieve without bringing another earth-shaking mental breakdown on herself, they had all come together with the decision to decide percy jackson as dead. it was standard ruling really. if quest members came back but some didn't, it was sadly assumed after two weeks that they were dead unless they returned before two weeks.

and percy? he hadn't returned. there was no sign of him at all. no sign of his sea-green eyes that sparkled with mischief and humour. there was no sign of his messy raven black hair, or his lanky yet slightly muscular (not that she'd ever looked at it) frame. there was no sign of him at all. and the assumption was formed that he was probably somewhere in the maze, withering away, which made barbie's heartstrings pull in a dangerous way.

the day of the funeral started in a sombre manner. the camp awoke collectively to no noise. which, on any other day, may have been a good thing, it meant more sleep. or a lucky case that maybe they would miraculously have no training that day.

but today wasn't a normal day. it was a day of mourning for the camp. as it was when any member of the camp died. like last year when an eleven-year-old, keya argent, died of cancer. they had set a week of mourning for her, and all of the campers were praying together for her to have good fortune in the underworld. she'd been a brave girl, an undetermined one. but everybody who'd ever been near her always assumed she'd been an iris child. she was so whimsically happy and had a love of skittles. they had all hoped she'd gotten into elysium.

and percy? he'd been the camps hope. he came when he was twelve (although granted, she hated him at that time) to the camp, passing out with a minotaur horn in his hands. and that was all before she'd properly hated him, then... she was intrigued with him at that point. because it was pretty badass. a twelve-year-old bringing back a minotaur horn after defeating it? of course, she'd wanted to be friends with him! and yeah, maybe in hindsight when she looked back, being annoyed at him for ignoring her was stupid. so was the fact she used to hate him because he got a quest like a week in whilst she was stuck at camp for so long she only had the beads around her neck to remind her.

and when he was thirteen (ok, this time she'd hated him) he'd sneaked out of camp to rescue grover and went with tyson (total sweetheart) and annabeth (also known as barbie's grieving best friend who was strangely talking to val more). back then, nobody was really aware of just how important he would be. but some of them had heard whispers of the great prophecy. and all the camp knew when thalia was revived from her tree that he was something important.

and when they were fourteen with her turning fifteen in a few months (which gods... seemed like so long ago now barbie thought about it), she had gone on a quest with thalia and the now-dead zoë nightshade and bianca di angelo along with grover. she smiled back fondly, trying not to cry as she remembered the first time they really bonded. when they threw astronaut food into the mouth of the nemean lion. their weird friendship had been rough, but by the end, they were friends. and by the time val's birthday rolled around, they were truly very close to each other.

and now? they'd been through the labyrinth together, a single kiss on the lips and one on the cheek had sealed her memories of him. because percy jackson, as people knew it, were gone.

but barbie couldn't help but think he wasn't gone. she'd read the book annabeth had given her (and tried to burn it out of rage and sadness as well, malcom had stopped her... but with the consequence of getting a black eye) and knew there was about a fraction of a chance that he was at ogygia with this calypso girl. she knew that said fraction of a chance there was an even smaller fucking chance he'd come back.

[1] 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋 ― p.jackson  ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora