4 Where Have you Been?!

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Wednesday means another rez delivery. The sun is shining and there's a gentle breeze, making it the perfect day for a scenic drive. Everything else is done for the day, so for once I just enjoy the drive and take in the scenery. Unfortunately, the closer I get, the tenser I feel as a sense of unease creeps over me.

Sara steps out the front door as I pull up and I see her call back over her shoulder. I put my truck in park and make my way to the tailgate as Jace shows up. "Sup, lil' elf?" He asks with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Nothing much now. You're my last stop, then I'm done for the day. Not even sure what to do with the rest of my afternoon. I don't get done this early very often," I laugh.

He waves over a couple of young guys to grab the produce while he keeps chatting. "Well, if you aren't busy I could show you around a little bit if you'd like? We rarely allow visitors," he says with a goofy grin. "It's a rare chance, take it while you can."

He can see my hesitation. Part of me wants to give them their order and be gone as fast as possible, but the other side of me wonders what he'll show me. After teasing me about just being on the front lawn last time, I can't turn him down. "I may have a bit of time to spare," I say, smiling.

"Natural wonders or man-made marvels? Visitor's choice, I'm feeling gracious today," he says with a wink.

"Dealers choice?" Not really sure what either means so whatever he picks will be fine.

"Beautiful day, so nature it is!" Jace grabs my hand and sets off through the east lawn. The moment he grabs it though, my heart starts to race! Instinct kicks in and I pull away. I must look like a deer in the headlights because the moment he turns around, his look of confusion is quickly replaced with regret. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to upset you."

I just keep my wrist clutched to my chest and look at him, willing my heartbeat to slow down. "Sorry, I just don't like people touching me. It freaks me out when I don't expect it," I trail off, dropping my gaze. I hate the look he's giving me. He means well, but it just makes my anxiety feel ten times worse.

"Come on, the tour's still on me," he says with a small smile. This time he points in a direction instead of trying to lead me. "I promise it's worth the trek." His kind grey eyes twinkle with sincerity, helping me to relax.

Having regained my composure, I return his smile. "Lead the way, but if you get us lost in the woods I'm gonna kick your butt," I warn with a small laugh.

As we start down the path there's an awkward silence, it's not totally uncomfortable for me but I can tell by the way he keeps side-eyeing me it's bugging Jace. "So where are we going?"

"What, and ruin the surprise, not likely!" The mischievous glint is back in his grey eyes. "For real though, it's one of my favourite places. I think you're really gonna like it, just about a twenty-minute walk up this path."

"So have you lived here all your life?" I ask, trying to put my freak out behind me.

Small talk... I can do this.

"Yup, my parents moved here as teens. They met, fell in love, had me and the world has been a better place ever since."

So humble.

Before I can retort, he smirks. "What about you? What's your story?"

Not my favourite topic.

"Nothing much to me," I admit. "I was born and raised here; my adoptive parents have been great. Lost my mum five years ago, which has been so hard. My dad comes and goes, her death hit him hard so he travels a lot now. I think me and home remind him too much. I get it," I trail off, not really having anything else to add.

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