12 Boundaries

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Sunlight streams through the open window as I blink, trying to focus my eyes. The steady beeping of a monitor reminds me of where I am. I stiffen as I notice the rhythmic, light breathing of someone sleeping. Having learned my lesson last time, I slowly sit up and get my bearings.

Chris lays slumped over the side of the bed sleeping lightly, his head tilted to the side. There's a small gash surrounded by a bruise on his temple. I reach out, lightly brushing his hair away to get a better look. At the contact, he shoots straight up, eyes wide. He doesn't even blink for a minute while his gaze searches mine.

"Are you okay?" He reaches out for me, but I flinch away. Hurt flashes through his eyes before they harden and his anger flares to life. "What the fuck were you thinking? They could have killed you!" He balls his fists, his knuckles turning white.

I want to be anywhere but here.

The door opens wide, admitting Dr. Phillips and Jace. Chris grabs me by my shoulders, his eyes lock on mine as they swirl with more emotions than I can process. The sudden contact causes me to gasp as my panic spikes. I'm frozen, unable to look away for fear of what's coming next.

"Chris!" Jace grabs Chris by the shoulders, trying to guide him back. "Come on, man, she's been through enough already!"

Chris lets go of me and sinks back into his chair. "Why," he whispers. "Why did you leave the house? You almost died! If we had been a moment later..." His voice drips with sorrow as he trails off.

My heart starts to race as last night's events begin to flashback. I look from Jace to Doc and back again, fisting the blanket on my lap. "Ethan! Where is he!? Is he okay?" I remember the terrified boy being attacked by wolves; his screams will no doubt haunt my dreams.

"Shh, he's safe too, thanks to you," Jace assures me. I slump back, relief flooding through me.

It was worth it. He's safe.

A small smile creeps on my face as I take solace in that.

Dread creeps over me as the rest of the night starts to replay. The attack unfolds in my mind and I remember Chris and Jace covered in blood, fighting wolves with their bare hands. There was a wolf crushing me under his weight and Chris pulled it off and threw it like it was nothing. I look at Chris and Jace, who are staring back like they can see my thought process.

Fear creeps up my spine as it all sinks in. "What are you?" I whisper, unable to look away.

"What do you mean?" The guilt and surprise are clear in Chris' eyes; he never expected me to come right out and say it. I can see the wheels spinning as he looks for a way to dodge my question.

I bristle, knowing he's trying to say anything but the truth. "Don't toy with me."

I trusted them, and they've kept me in the dark. Even now, he won't be honest with me.

"Jess," Jace starts, desperation lacing his voice, but I know he's stalling. His grey eyes lock on me, begging.

I feel my face flush as my temper blooms at his evasiveness. "Get away from me."

How can I ever trust these people again?

"I need some space." I look directly at Chris, and his shoulders slump. Hesitantly, both men slowly get up and head back out to the hallway. I sigh, hiding my face in my hands.

What is even going on? My head is pounding again. I can't think straight.

Dr. Phillips clears his throat to get my attention, reminding me he is still in the room. "Here, this will help your headache." He hands me a glass of water and two pills. At this point, I don't even care. I take them and drink the water. "I'd like to keep you overnight for observation," he trails off.

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