28 She's right

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"Taken care of," Chris replies to my question about Sara’s whereabouts as his expression instantly darkens.

"What does that mean!?" My voice protests heavily against being in an argument so soon.

"What did you do, Chris?" I whisper. My anger is replaced by shock as a cold shiver runs down my spine.

Did he kill his own friend!? Scratch that, did I get her killed?

"Relax, I haven't done anything yet, she's just locked up," Chris says dismissively. How casually he says that makes me shudder. He reaches for me, but I pull away.

"You locked up your own friend." The disbelief is clear in my voice.

"I locked up a disobedient pack member who defied a direct order and attacked my mate!" His tone is cold and threatening.

"Take a walk you two, this isn't heading anywhere good," Derek warns.

Chris growls, throwing his dish at the sink before heading out the back door straight for the woods.

"Let's go," Derek says as he stands.

"You tried to kill me last time I was alone with you," I say skeptically. He raises a brow.

"I want to see Sara," I say.

"I'm guessing you need a guide, unless you know where the cells are," he says matter-of-factly.

"I don't think-"

"Keep not thinking there, pretty boy," Derek cuts Jace off, eyes locked, warning him to drop it.

Jace just growls at him. His demeanor has changed completely, arms crossed with a scowl on his face.

"Shall we?" Derek asks, gesturing to the kitchen door.

I reluctantly follow his lead as we head through the house stopping at a staircase I'd never noticed before. Two men block the way, solemn expressions on their faces.

"Guardian," they greet Derek in unison. "Luna," they smile with my greeting. 

Before I can protest Derek addresses them. "Are we doing this the easy or hard way, lads?" He asks, letting the threat hang heavy in the air.

"Alpha's orders Guardian, sorry." The guard visibly pales as he speaks.

"Are you questioning my authority?" The power radiating off of him is sickening as it washes over the men in waves.

How does someone hide such an aura!?

"O-of course not Guardian," he stammers. "If it was official business we would-"

"Do you presume to know what is, or is not official business," Derek threatens. His eyes darken as he narrows his gaze at the guard.

"No! Of course not," he stammers, looking like he may throw up at any minute. His shoulders slump in defeat as he steps aside.

Derek leads the way; the stairs are dark and lead to a dimly lit hallway. The feeling of all the concrete and bars is crushing, not a single window gives any natural light or fresh air. My body tenses up to the point of being painful.

"Relax," he says, noticing my state.

"Sorry, this is my first dungeon," I snap. His nonchalant nature, given the circumstances, just irritates me to no end.

"This is a jail, dungeons are elsewhere," he replies with a sinister laugh.

'She deserves it, why do you even feel bad about it?' 'Because it's my fault she's here.' 'She chose to go against Chris.' 'Maybe, but she wasn't wrong.'

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