18 Try Not to Die

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The week passes in a bit of a blur as Jude tries to prepare me for Challenge. Sara has flat out refused to train me or include me in strategies; apparently I'm just fodder. Even though it could probably be considered aiding the enemy, he refuses to let me go into it completely unprepared.

I'm on my ass on the ground for the umpteenth time today. Jude, on the other hand, is every bit the composed, competent warrior. He stands there, sun glistening off his chiseled chest, barely a sheen of sweat on him, wearing nothing but sweatpants and completely barefoot. His blue eyes shine with excitement; I can't say I share his sentiment.

We've been working daily on dodges and blocks. Shockingly, I'm not tall enough, strong enough, or fast enough for any attacks. So the game plan is to run, hide, and dodge when someone catches up.

I'm so screwed.

He teaches me how wolves patrol, hunting techniques, attack strategies, anything to try and help me not be the first one taken down. By Friday, I've managed to flip a couple of his attacks to my advantage, but we both know the deck is stacked against me.

"You'll be fine. You're stronger than you know," he reassures me.

"Oh, I'm gonna get my ass kicked, but at least I won't spend all day running in the woods," I laugh. "What about you? You ready? I swear you look like you're bulking up in front of my eyes."

I pat his massive bicep to prove my point. It's true, in the last two months he's bulked up considerably. He went from a lean muscular build a little smaller than Jace to bulkier than him now, just a bit smaller than Chris.

"I'm actually super stoked," he admits with a lopsided grin. "I'm kind of glad I don't have to help Sara, but I'd prefer us to be on the same team."

"Don't worry about me, you heard her. I'm just fodder. Maybe this can help you get in, just show them what you've got. You already seem to get along well there," I say, nudging him with my shoulder.

"Chris hasn't changed his stance," he says sadly. "It was the best move–humble Sara by making her responsible for you–but he didn't want me on the same team as you. That's the only reason I'm on his team, not because he wanted me."

"Prove him wrong! Show him you're worth a spot in their pack. Jace thinks highly of you. Look for a chance to work with him, make them see," I say, eyes locked on his.

"I will if you do," he says, arching a brow. "One of the ways to win is to outlast. You don't even have to take anyone out, you just need to avoid them. Show her she's underestimated you."

All I can do is nod. It would be nice to make it to the end, but even to not be the first person out would be a win for me.


Saturday morning puts us at the pack house for an early breakfast as the ground rules are laid out. The game starts at nine am and ends at five pm if not sooner. If any challenger team members are left standing by five, then they win. With cloudy skies, they decide that if it rains, then the game will pause with whoever is still in-play. Shortly after breakfast, the teams break into last minute strategic meetings before heading to the forest edge. Already the clearing starts to fill with spectators.

"They have size, we have numbers, we will use that to our advantage," Sara coaches. She proceeds to pair the women up, herself and Claire as her second will be the hammer. Natalie and Alexi, Alisa and Lynn, while Chelsy, Sydney and Cara will round out the groups. As fodder, I'm not worthy of a partner.

It's for Jude. I keep repeating as she continues to ignore me.

The meeting breaks up and everyone heads to the starting point. I catch Sara before she leaves. "I know you're not happy to have me, but is there anything I should do?"

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