30 Unexpected Gifts

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It has been a full week since Derek dropped me on my doorstep. Chris has been distant, basically non existent, I've seen Cyrus twice, running at the back. He's not interested in being around me right now either.

Claire and Xavier came mid week for their order, but even they were distant. Jace has sent me the odd text but everything is just so strained. Why is it every time I try to help I just make things worse?

Jude was livid when I saw him Thursday as he took in the bandages and bruises. Thankfully they were well on their way to healing by this point. He didn't seem much relieved as I explained the whole series of events. The only time his scowl broke was when I went over the part about breaking Sara's nose.

I told him everything including what happened with Chris. The look of shock when I talked about trying to reject him was unmistakable. What's worse was the look of disappointment that followed.

"You said you'd give him a chance," there was no masking the sadness in his voice.

"I know I fucked up, I just-"

He cut me off tapping my head. "This got in the way, again."

"Sara said-"

"Don't blame this on Sara, you're smarter then that," he grumbled. "Jess do you realize how big of a decision that was? That wasn't the right way to handle it, at all."

I dropped my head in my hands, "I can see that now! I just don't know what to do, everyone's acting weird with me, Chris won't even talk to me. I just don't know how to fix it. Even Cyrus wants nothing to do with me."

He scoffs at that. "Cyrus will always want something to do with you."

I raise a brow at that, "what makes you say that?"

He shrugs, "why else would he swing by here every night."

My jaw drops. Every night? I've only seen him twice. "Wait how would you know he's been here?"

"I swing by on my nightly runs just to make sure everything's ok." He shrugs like its no big deal.

I feel like I should be mad about the intrusion, but a part of me is relieved. "You're the grey aren't you?" He nods giving me a wolfish grin, his eyes sparkling a brighter shade of blue just for a moment.

"That explains a lot," I laugh. "What's your wolfs name?"


I smile. "Asher," I mumble. "I'd like to meet him properly one day." He beams at the request.

Jace: your package is in.

I frown. "What is it?" Jude asks.

"Jace says I have a package? I didn't order anything and I sure wouldn't ship it there, hell I don't even know the address," I laugh.

To Jace: Must be a mistake I didn't order anything?

Jace: It's addressed to you, why don't you come grab it tomorrow night, come for dinner.

I frown reading that.

To Jace: I don't know if I should, everyone's being weird.

Jace: No they're not.

To Jace: whatever.

Jace: sorry, see you at six?

To Jace: fine.

"If you scowl anymore you might crack the screen," Jude teases.

"I just got talked into dinner," I reply.

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