15 Cat got your Tongue?

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As unexpected as it was, Jude's visit lifted a weight off my shoulders I didn't even realize was there. Coupled with dinner with Claire and Xavier, I was feeling a lot more relaxed.

Part of me is still trying to come to terms with werewolves being real, but the other part of me has already accepted reality. It's hard to argue with something you see with your own eyes, and Claire had an answer for every question I had.

All at once, the day seems to catch up to me, so I call it a night. Once more, my mind drifts back to dinner with Claire and Xavier, thinking back on everything they talked about. The pride and respect they had when they talked about Chris is the last thing on my mind as deep sleep finally claimed me.


As market day comes around, I have come to terms with most things. I sit chatting with Jude and everything feels normal again. As we talk about maybe doing dinner tonight, I pause, remembering Claire's invitation. I had never agreed, so I tell Jude lest he sell me out again, but make plans to have him over for a quiet dinner.

Just as I'm getting up to go, the pack's SUV pulls up. Xavier and Claire are here for their order.

"Hey, just the person I wanted to see," Claire declares, walking over with determination but smiles. "Hey, Jude."

"Hey, looks like you found me." I laugh and rub the back of my neck.

"Jace wants to know, chicken or ribs?" Claire pins me in place as Xavier proceeds to load their order. He's back to being the strong, silent type.

"Oh sorry, I kind of already locked her in for dinner plans," Jude says, coming to the rescue.

'Finally, he can be taught!' Enough.

"You're invited too, Jude. Nice try, but good effort," she teases, flashing him a mischievous grin.

Jude just gives me his best 'I tried' look and shrugs, leaving the ball in my court. "Are you sure it's not a problem? I can just come another day," I ask, trailing off.

"Bite the bullet and get it over with. You're getting worried over nothing," she reassures me, to which I nod. "Great! So what will it be?"

"Um, dealer's choice? What can I bring?" I ask.

"Jude, that's all. Just show up and have a good time." She beams, waving as she takes off before I can protest. "Don't be late!"

Jude just starts laughing like a madman.

Sell out.

"So what time do you want me to pick you up?" he asks when he finally regains his composure.

I can't help but frown. I'm feeling like I got played. Clearly, Trish is rubbing off on him, too.

"Four pm it is," he says before another fit of laughter takes him.

I flip him the bird as I head back to my truck.


At a quarter to four, Jude rolls in, a goofy grin plastered on his face. "Ready to go yet?"

"Almost." I frown as I pack up some appetizers and whiskey.

Jude grabs the bottle and cocks a brow. "Liquid courage?"

I snatch the bottle and drop it back in the box. "Shush. Thought we were heading out," I say disapprovingly. He laughs as he opens the door for me and loads the box in the back seat before slipping into the driver's seat and heading out.

"Would you stop with this?" Jude says, tapping my temple. He gives me a sad smile, then says, "You're your own worst enemy sometimes, you know?"

I look away, focusing on the rural landscape as it whizzes by. "Well aware," I grumble.

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